What would I be doing?
You will be helping people prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. Every individual affected by an emergency will need different support from us to help them recover. Below are some examples of what you might support with:
1. Helping communities prepare for extreme weather events such as flooding or snow storms.
2. Providing practical support such as distributing clothing or food after flooding.
3. Providing emotional support to people who have been evacuated due to a fire.
Commitment: Volunteers must be able to commit to a minimum of 24 hours a month: Usually 2 x 12 hours.
Reasonable communication skills and basic office/IT/admin skills are needed. We are looking for people who have held a driving license for at least 2 years, own a vehicle, and live within 30 minutes of Harlow Fire station. Volunteers for this role need to be 18 and over. This role requires long term (12 months or more) commitment, for the applicant to be available on call for 12 hours on a 24/7 rota twice a month.
This opportunity is available in: Harlow