Operational Management Together with the head of EPRR, is a subject matter expert for EPRR and business continuity planning (BCP) and specifically planning, policy and EPRR BCP development. Regularly review and update incident response action cards Support the CBRN Team in ED with training and development of the response to CBRN, Hazmat incidents Participate in supportive duty EPRR out of hours support to the on call teams for declared incidents Contribute to and lead specified work streams for the annual EPRR / BCP work plan for the WHAT. Support delivery of EPRR / BCP projects, ensuring all projects, and developments are delivered to time in a cost-effective manner. Assist in the production of annual and ad-hoc EPRR / BCP reports to the Head of EPRR & AEO. On an ongoing basis collate evidence for and support the preparation, delivery, and coordination of the annual EPRR assurance process (NHS EPRR Core standards). Develop and participate in tests and exercises to ensure plans are in-place, understood and can be effectively activated and utilised within WAHT, involving colleagues across all Divisions and External Partners (where appropriate) including the on-call teams. To coordinate with all directors and senior managers to ensure the maintenance of the organisations Business Continuity Management (BCM) framework that allows for identifying and managing risks that could disrupt normal service To support delivery of training and materials to members of WHAT To be able to drive between trust sites for training and delivery of EPRR Agenda including responding to incidents Service Development Support the development of EPRR and BCP policies and procedures. Support with reviewing and where necessary proposing and drafting changes to EPRR and BCP, policies, procedures. Support the head of EPRR with the development of the On Call Managers Training Program Contribute to the EPRR agenda for WAHT, working closely with key stakeholders including other ICBs / ICSs, NHS England and Improvement, Providers, Local Authorities and UK Health Security Agency across the range of emergency preparedness work streams Organisational Development To promote an open, honest, collaborative, and can do culture in line with the Trusts 4Ward behaviours. To enhance the performance, motivation and Support Departments with the Delivery of service using BCP & Specialist EPRR Skills. Support in preparation changes to departments with input in to new ways of working to incorporate EPRR & BC Planning Risk Management To ensure that risk management is a key component of operational planning and management within EPRR. To ensure that the Head of EPRR is informed of all areas of risk, strategic and operational, relating to any Incident issues. To be familiar with, and follow, provisions of the Trusts health and safety policy and all other policies, procedures and safety rules of the Trust and of the specific work place. To comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1992 and other safety regulations. Theme trending from the actions logs for the purpose of learning and debriefing from the All incidents Business continuity Lead the development and implementation of Business Continuity systems Ensure aliment of the trust plans to ISO22301 Support divisional teams and subject matter experts in development of plans Maintain the trust BC register Complete internal BC audits Support the roll out of new systems including digital, Clinical, non-clinical systems Support with mitigations to projects Specialist EPRR on call Service 24 7 Take part in the EPRR specialist on call rota CBRN support and advice when on call (Training Provided as part of the roll) Act as Tactical advisor to the director on call & Log keeper in the event of a declared incident Support and lead on Recovery [post incident outside working hours Support with External Tactical coordinating group as trust reparative to the local reliance forum