Management: To be responsible for the provision of high standards of peri-operative care in the theatre/s 24 hour a day. Recruit and retain a workforce qualified to meet the needs of the patients in Theatres. Manage staffing day to day to ensure effective use of resources. This includes responsibility for the duty rotas, annual and study leave, bank and agency usage. To deliver and maintain effective communication between all groups of staff both within and external to the department. Ensure that all staff in the area receives an annual appraisal and have a personal development plan (PDP). Collate all staffs PDPs in order to identify and plan the educational needs of the area. Identify and appropriately deal with any staffing issues; such as conduct, performance issues, grievances, sickness absence, within your team, in accordance with trust policies and procedures, in liaison with the Theatre Matron. Maintain awareness of the area budget particularly as it relates to procurement for their specific specialty products and management of the establishment, vacancies and Bank and Agency quotas. Identify and deliver savings and efficiencies in line with the Theatre and Trusts objectives. Oversee and be responsible for the recruitment and retention of staff in the designated area Maintain a safe and acceptable environment for patients, visitors, students and staff, reporting and taking appropriate action on any hazards, incidents, faulty equipment or inadequate standards of cleaning. Coordinate the reporting of all such incidents for the area in liaison with the departments health & Safety lead, and Matron. Collect data and provide essential information in a timely and accurate manner as required in the Theatre Department. In addition, you will be required to participate in daily CQC checks and internal audits eg: late starts, brief and de-brief, WHO checklist, sickness / absence recording and return to work meetings, etc. To ensure safe custody and administration of drugs in accordance with Trust policies and procedures and in liaison with the pharmacy team. Ensure the theatre team is aware and compliant with Trust and Theatre policies and procedures and know how to access the latest versions. Disseminate and promote any changes in policy and procedures in a timely manner. Work within these policies. To participate in meetings and project work as identified and delegated by the Theatre Matron Deputise for the Matron where required. To investigate and respond to informal and formal complaints in a timely manner encouraging an open and learning environment. To monitor all incidents that occur within the clinical area undertaking root cause analysis as required. To manage any changes in practice or learning identified through incident reviews. Clinical/Professional Role: To act as a role model of expert clinical practice in the specialty. To be an experienced skilled anaesthetic practitioner, enthusiastic, inspirational and with transferable skills, displayed when regularly undertaking clinical duties.. To lead and be responsible for a team comprising qualified and unqualified theatre staff. To communicate with carers and relatives to ensure individualised patient centred care is provided. To carry out spot-checks to assess delivery of peri-operative practice, and to implement remedial action if required in collaboration with the Theatre Matron and Practice Educator. Maintain expected standards of documentation including paper and computer records such as Cerner and in accordance with the HCPC and NMC Standard for Records and Record Keeping. Participate in ensuring the timely and effective use, entry and validation of PICIS care records. To foster collaborative relationships and communication within and between the multi-disciplinary team. To promote the development of evidenced based peri operative practice. To support and promote clinical supervision within the Trusts strategy. To ensure the delivery of high standards of peri-operative care to all patients, monitoring this through spot checks, audits and clinical quality indicators outcome measures. Have specific departmental responsibility for one of the following where required: Health and Safety, Incident Notifications, Risk Assessments, Infection Control and TSSU issues, and to be responsible for regularly communicating performance against these at staff meetings. To liaise with other departments in the hospital e.g. Estates, Facilities, Finance, IT, Human Resources to ensure that services supplied are of an acceptable standard and problems identified are registered and addressed. Ongoing or serious problems must be escalated to the line manager. Education and Development: To ensure that all staff have an annual personal development plan. To maintain records of performance reviews, study days, competency assessments of staff within the team To contribute to the training needs analysis which reflects the future needs of the service in collaboration with the Matron and Theatre Practice Educator. To teach and promote a learning environment and facilitate others to develop informal teaching skills. To keep up to date with current peri-operative literature and guidance and act as a clinical resource and advisor to staff and promoting evidence based practice. To liaise with the Theatre Matron, Specialist Nurses, surgeons, anesthetists, Learning Resource Centre staff, and external agencies to explore and ensure appropriate educational opportunities for personal, professional and service development are provided. To liaise with higher education providers / link lecturers to ensure that theory practice links for pre-registration nursing students are maintained. To ensure that theatre staff support and nurture pre-registration students in meeting their learning objectives. To provide opportunities and supervise health care assistants to develop their peri-operative skills and knowledge. PLEASE SEE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR FULL DUTIES OF THE ROLE