The post holder will work in an outpatient setting providing initial assessment of patients, organization of relevant investigations and planning the ongoing management and discharge of patients back to the community. The AEC works closely with inpatient teams, including radiology, ED, surgery, orthopaedics, medical specialties, and microbiology as well as community teams such as our Virtual Ward service which is co-located with AEC. The ambulatory care unit has a dedicated Consultant and Senior Nurse who supervise the diagnosis, management, and treatment of patients on the unit and provide teaching and support for the many procedures (chest drains, ascitic drains, lumbar punctures, infusions and diagnostic imaging) which take place there. Dependent on experience and demand, the post-holder may be expected to work in AAU, both ward work and out of hours acute unselected medical take and ward cover, with clinical supervision by AAU and AEC consultants and registrars. The post-holder will be an advocate to promote same day emergency care (SDEC) through working in Ambulatory care. This is a full-time post of 37.5hrs per week and the post-holder will work on a weekly rota consisting of early shifts, mid-morning, or late shifts and will be expected to contribute to the weekend staffing.