DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES To be an integral member of the Oxfordshire Community Dental Service. To provide high quality treatment planning, preventive and urgent/routine NHS dental care treatment services for adult special care and paediatric patients. Manage the day to day activities of the dental surgery in conjunction with the other members of the team Supervise and delegate appropriate tasks to the Dental Care Professionals in accordance with current General Dental Council regulations where applicable. Ensure records are completed accurately and contemporaneously and provide statistical and other information to the Business Services Authority and Trust directors and commissioners as required. Liaise with colleagues in hospitals, primary care and local authorities to ensure and improve the quality of patient care. Undertake necessary training and development to comply with national, professional and Trust requirements and participate in regular appraisal with the Line Manager. Take part in all aspects of clinical governance including GDC lifelong learning, clinical audit, peer review, quality improvement and clinical supervision. To take part in epidemiological surveys/screening/health promotion activities as required. To work flexibly in locations as required by the service, including primary and secondary care locations, nursing/residential homes etc. Be responsible for data collection and reports as required for the Community Dental Service. To maintain professional knowledge, skills and awareness of current developments within dentistry. To be aware of and apply relevant Trust and Directorate policies and procedures. To adapt flexibly to changes which occur in the service provided and assist in implementing such changes, as agreed with the commissioners. To actively participate in an annual performance review (appraisal) and the development and implementation of a personal development plan. To take responsibility for own professional development ensuring professional standards are maintained and statutory and mandatory training is in date. To attend any training as requested. Other such duties as may be delegated.