Clinical - Outpatient
To review all clinic lists/case-notes prior to the start of each outpatient clinic to identify the nature of each appointment and make all necessary preparations to ensure each clinic is delivered professionally and efficiently.
To prepare the clinical environment for patient care, ensuring that all equipment in the clinic rooms is functioning correctly, that the rooms are fully stocked, and that all necessary case-notes, patient records, and appliances are available.
To escort patients and parents/guardians/carers from the waiting area to the clinical rooms and welcome them into the clinical environment in a courteous and helpful manner, giving appropriate additional assistance to patients and parents/guardians/carers with disabilities.
To assist the clinician chairside during dental treatment. This includes orthodontic and dental treatment, new patient clinics, joint/multidisciplinary clinics, and dental surgical procedures involving local anaesthesia and sedation.
To identify patients' dental nursing needs during treatment and provide appropriate care, including effective communication in challenging situations such as treatment of anxious patients and parents, or patients with dental or needle phobias.
To provide dental nursing care for paediatric dental patients who have experienced dental trauma or have complex medical history and/or behavioural special needs.
To assist the clinicians by providing chair-side assistance during examination and treatment of patients, anticipating the clinicians' needs and meeting these, thereby providing a high-quality service with optimal efficiency.
To perform cross-infection control procedures in accordance with the Trust's Cross Infection Policies.
To dispose of clinical and non-clinical waste appropriately, in accordance with Trust Waste Disposal policy.
To prepare all impressions and appliances for transfer to our in-house orthodontic laboratory, ensuring the laboratory prescription forms are completed and signed by the clinician and delivered to the laboratory.
To complete patient documentation and records as appropriate.
To ensure that the clinic rooms are cleared appropriately at the end of the clinic, returning notes to the administration team, transferring laboratory work to the laboratory, and restocking the clinic as necessary.
To maintain good communication and liaison with clinical, nursing, office, and laboratory staff to ensure that clinics are conducted effectively and efficiently.
To assist in the management of Medical Emergencies in accordance with good practice and Trust mandatory training.
To assist with the maintenance of instruments and equipment, in accordance with good practice and national policies.
To assist in monitoring health and safety at work, reporting hazards to the health and safety of patients and staff in accordance with the Trust's Health and Safety Policy.
Clinical Special Skills
To develop dental radiographs and complete all necessary records relating to radiographs taken in the department, in compliance with department policies and the Ionising Radiation Regulations.
To take dental impressions for the fabrication of study models and orthodontic/dental appliances. If you are not already trained to take dental impressions, you will be expected to gain the relevant training and qualification to take impressions independently.
To explain specialist orthodontic, paediatric, and restorative dentistry procedures to patients and parents/guardians/carers, give post-operative instructions, and educate patients in the use and care of their appliances.
To give oral hygiene instruction and dental health advice to patients and carers.
To assist the restorative consultant in managing complex procedures and sterile surgical procedures under local anaesthesia, including the placement and restoration of dental implants, bone grafting, and complex periodontal surgery.
Clinical Theatre (Day Case General Anaesthesia List)
To review all operating lists/case-notes prior to the start of each list to identify the nature of the procedures and make all necessary preparations, ensuring that all the necessary materials and instruments are transferred safely to Theatre.
To assist the clinicians by providing dental nursing assistance for all dental procedures undertaken in theatre.
To pack away all instruments and materials at the end of the list and ensure that these are transferred safely back to the department.
Please see attached Job Description for full details.