We believe that all our students deserve the very best education that we can provide, and our teaching staff aspire to raise the standards and quality of teaching and learning. This is encouraged through inspiring, and supporting, colleagues with bespoke CPD; and by ensuring that best practice is shared and embedded. Having the right team in place is essential to this. Therefore, we are seeking to appoint an exceptional Learning Manager to help us continue this work. Learning Managers are part of our Inclusion and SEND provision. Pupils within this provision receive personalised support programmes that are focused around their specific needs and outcomes. You will be part of an excellent team and provided with extensive support that will enable you to develop to your full potential both in this role and beyond.
As a part of the Oak Learning Partnership, we are proud of what we have achieved so far and excited by the continuous improvements and changes here at Hazel Wood High. This appointment will form a key element in the next phase on our journey to outstanding. If you would like to join our excellent team, then we would like to hear more about you.
Visits to the school, prior to application, are both welcomed and encouraged. Please contact the school on 0161 797 6543 or by e-mailing enquiries@hazelwood.oaklp.co.uk to arrange an appointment.
I encourage you to visit our website to discover more about our values, ethos, and the amazing work we do at Hazel Wood: www.hazelwoodhigh.co.uk.
We ask that you do not send CVs; please complete and send your application form and a personal statement to hr@oaklp.co.uk.