To be responsible for the assessment, planning, implementing and evaluation of care required by patients when attending the imaging department for interventional procedure as an autonomous practitioner in conjunction with other nursing and specialist staff and with the co-operation of the patient and their relatives/carers, using effective communication skills. To establish and maintain effective communication with all members of the multi-disciplinary patient care team and with other wards/departments within the hospital during the patient's journey. To be responsible for the implementation for the on-going evaluation of the effectiveness of the planned care and ensure that accurate and meaningful nursing records are maintained (NMC Guidelines 2002). To liaise with Specialist Nurses/Advanced Practitioners/Professionals Allied with Medicine in utilising current evidence available. To always act in accordance with the NMC Codes of Conduct and Practice. To provide daily nursing advice and support to the Imaging department, assisting the radiologists and radiographers with a wide range of special procedures. To provide clinical expertise and knowledge and disseminate such nursing knowledge to the Imaging and nursing team Trust wide. This will include the instruction of other members of staff such as Health Care Assistants, Radiographic Assistants and Radiographers in nursing procedures. To provide nursing care and clinical advice to patients during special procedures in Imaging and for other patients in the department when necessary. This will include the preparation for and assisting in sterile procedures undertaken within the Imaging Department, observing the highest standards of aseptic technique. To act as first assistant to the radiologist, anticipating the requirements of the radiologist during interventional procedures, and preparation of specialist equipment. To provide emergency nursing care to patients within the Imaging Department. To be able to perform intravenous canulation ,administer sedation and able to monitor patients during Interventional procedures. To contribute to the development of nursing competencies by initiating and developing new ideas and methods of nursing care in conjunction with senior staff in the multi-disciplinary team. To participate (when / if required) in an out-of hours rota to provide nursing services within the Imaging Department for emergency procedures. To assist in the control and use of drugs, Imaging contrast media, and other nursing consumables, by monitoring and maintaining stock levels. To monitor consumable stock levels within the Imaging Department, informing the lead Radiographer or lead nurse when re-ordering is required. To act in accordance with KGH NHS Trust Policy detailing ordering, storage, preparation and administration of medicines, ensuring a high degree of accuracy. To ensure that non-radiographic medical equipment is in good working order and used correctly. To follow nursing protocol for Imaging procedures, ensuring physical, social, psychological and spiritual needs are met, including communicating sensitive information within the Imaging team and the multidisciplinary clinical teams Trust wide. To maintain own knowledge ,competence and skill level through regular clinical supervision, appraisal, personal development ,mandatory training and training programmes.