*Understand own role and scope within the Practice, responding to changes *Hold regular team meetings to maintain lines of communication *Attend and contribute to relevant internal and external meetings as required *Provision and promotion of evidence-based practice *Remaining up to date with pertinent health policies, work with the practice team to consider the impact and the strategies for implementation *Monitor effectiveness of clinical practice through quality assurance strategies such as clinical audit and peer reviews *To provide clinical leadership within the nursing team, directing and supporting others through relevant change and new ways of working *To develop the clinical staff within their roles, ensuring appropriate mentoring and support to maximise staff performance *To organise and co-ordinate the provision of nursing services for the Practice, to include the appropriate delegation of duties, rota, holiday, appropriate training and study leave. *Development and maintenance of relevant policies and protocols that are within the Lead *Practice Nurse role responsibility, appropriate delegation of above to other personnel, also ensuring they are maintaining such policy and protocol *Line manages staff members according to the Practice organisational plan. *Work with the Head of Clinical Services to maximise all areas of income for the Practice. *Minimise expenditure for the Practice whilst ensuring high standards of care are provided *Develop, deliver and maintain primary nurse led services including long term conditions, maintaining disease registers in liaison with administrative staff *Have oversight of the Infection, prevention control within the Practice, audits are performed in a timely manner and ensuring that changes and updates are reflected in the policies. *To ensure effective communication links between IPC clinical leads, links and Facilities Manager. *Ensuring any changes to policies are cascaded accordingly to the relevant practice team.