SUPPORT WORKER - Wishaw, NORTH LANARKSHIRE 2x 28 hour Contracts Available We believe life is worth living when the things that matter most are present. Love, Family, Friendship, Work, Freedom to direct the course of our lives, the opportunity to learn and contribute. We believe that is what ordinary living is all about. Job description "Hi, I am Simon, and I am 66 years old. I am a caring and compassionate person that can make anyone laugh. People would say they enjoy my sense of humour and the pranks I pull I have a close family connection with my siblings and my extended family. I have regular family visits which are planned ahead of time, and I can look forward to these each week – I like my routine and need structure in my daily life. I love to socialise and get out in my community - People who know me say I am kind-hearted, funny, sociable, and have great sense of humour with an infectious laugh and a great smile. I enjoy listening to music, I have loads of CDs and a juke box that I love I also enjoy watching television my favourite shows are on BBC 1, such as Eastenders and Football. I am currently supported 24/7, my team support me with all aspects of daily living. I like to be as independent as I can be, therefore my staff will prompt and remind me what I need to do, but I need supervision to ensure that I complete tasks safely." What am I looking for: Someone who is firm but fair. Someone who is empathetic and patient. Someone who is compassionate and respectful. Someone who is consistent and reliable. Shifts are 9am-11pm, with a Sleepover. ( days to be confirmed) We are recruiting 2x 28hr Contract Positions, if interested Apply Now There will be the opportunity to do overtime during team holiday times. Main Tasks To provide person centred care and support to the people Support for Ordinary Living work for in line with the mission, vision, and values of the organisation the support worker role will: Support an individual to live in their own home/ family home and help the individual live the lifestyle they choose. Assist with personal care for example bathing where applicable. Encourage and support people to make life choices. Support individual to safeguard their property/ health & wellbeing/ finances and take appropriate action, when necessary, call NHS 24 or Doctor in case of emergency. Support people to become a valued member of their local community and support and encourage them to maintain and develop relationships with their friends, their family, and their neighbours. Encourage and support people to get involved in social activities. Assist people with domestic tasks such as housework, shopping cooking and cleaning. Treat people with dignity and respect at all times and recognise their rights to make their own choices. Support the individual to meet their outcomes in line with their Outcome based support plan and plan for the future. To work as part as a Self-Directed team, working in a consistent and flexible manner to support the individual to meet the outcomes outlined in the outcome-based support plan. Adhere to SOL’s policies and procedures to attend all planned meetings / training as requested. Be an ambassador to SOL, safeguarding the positive image and reputation of the organisation. We Are Looking for Someone Who Is: Reliable Trustworthy Person-Centred Adopts a common-sense approach to their work. Flexible in terms of approach and availability for work and meetings/ training when requested. Able to think and work in a reflective way. Positive in their outlook and open to new ideas and change. Demonstrates respect and commitment for the Individual they work for, and all other persons linked with SOL. Able to negotiate, listen and communicate well. Non-Judgmental. Comfortable with taking direction but can also work in self-Directed. Sympathetic to the values and beliefs of SOL. Respect and maintain confidentiality but have ability to whistle blow when required. Committed earn and develop new skills. Working towards qualification for registration for SSSC.