Job summary
Due to theimminent retirement of one of our existing GP Partners, an exciting opportunitynow exists. The Partners at Crickhowell Group Practice are looking for anenthusiastic, motivated, and proactive GP Partner to complement our multidisciplinaryteam of clinicians. We will consider between 4-6 sessions per week for theright candidate.
We are aboveall looking for someone who is a good fit for our team and will find it easy tofit in with our shared philosophy. Experience and number of years is notessential as we highly value personal qualities and potential. We are seeking awell-rounded clinician with excellent clinical skills and the leadershipability and drive to positively contribute to the development of the practice.
Whilst thepartners currently have roles assigned to them, a new partner coming into theteam will allow a review of current roles and we would be happy to encouragethe new partners development into additional areas should they have aparticular preference.
Knowledge ofhow GP practices work as a business, how funding and finance works and howincome can be expanded would be helpful. As well as existing contractual incomestreams, this could include experience or interest in developing new revenuestreams.
Informal visitsand enquiries are encouraged and can be confidential. Please e-mail to arrange an informal chat.
Main duties of the job
The keyinterpersonal skills which we believe to be key to maintaining our goodrelationships and teamwork and the qualities we would like our Partner todemonstrate are:
1. Positivity,can-do approach
2. Recognisingthe value of teamwork
3. Respectfor all those working in the practice, regardless of role
4. Honestyand openness in all areas of practice life
5. Balanced and reasonable in discussions
6. Preparedto go the extra mile when needed
7. Pragmatismwhen the goal is unobtainable and needs to be adjusted
8. Asense of humour
9. Loyaltyand commitment
10. Acceptanceof decision making by consensus
As a GP Partneryou will deal with a wide range of health needs in the Primary Care setting,ensuring the highest standards of care for all registered and temporarypatients. As a member of the team, you will be encouraged to set an example toothers and to play a role in target achievement and service development.
We are growingour service to respond to an ever-changing general practice and our doctors are supported to maintain a range of specialist interests.. We are a happy,close working team who genuinely enjoy each others company. We believecontinuity of care is best for patients but also sustains clinicians and can bemore efficient.
About us
We are a 5-partner practice serving approximately 9000 patients. Weoperate from modern premises and are a member of the South Powys Cluster andThe Red Kite Community Interest Company, working with local partners to explorehow best to work in a collaborative way to maximise our patients wellbeing.
We are a semi-ruralpractice located in Crickhowell, Powys within the Bannau Brycheiniog NationalPark. We are six miles from the vibrant town of Abergavenny, 13 miles fromBrecon and only 25 miles from Cardiff. We enjoy good local schools and otheramenities.
We provide aservice to Crickhowell, Llangatock. Llangenny and Gilwern and its surroundingvillages.
The Practicehas 8 Doctors (5 GP Partners and 3 Salaried GPs), a Pharmacist and 5 Nursingstaff (FTE). We have an experienced reception team and a stable andeffective management team. We are a dispensing practice. We also work veryclosely and effectively with other members of the MDT attached to ourpractice by the Health Board; this includes District Nurses, Health Visitors,MSK Physio, Frailty Practitioner and Community Mental Health.
Secondary Careis provided by the Grange Hospital, Nevill Hall Hospital and other services commissioned by Powys Teaching Health Board.
We are a very high achieving practice under the Quality Assuranceand Improvement Framework, QAIF, and consistently receive high PatientSatisfaction ratings from our patient reviews.
Job description
Job responsibilities
As a GP Partneryou will deal with a wide range of health needs in the Primary Care setting,ensuring the highest standards of care for all registered and temporarypatients. As a member of the team, you will be encouraged to set an example toothers, assist in their education and training, and to play a role in targetachievement and service development.
Caring forpatients
11. Practiseevidence-based medicine, in line with national and locally agreed guidelines
12. Conduct patient consultations during thepractices clinical appointment hours
13. Conducttelephone consultations and home visits as appropriate
14. Checkand sign repeat prescription requests
15. Check,manage and process patient test results
16. Prescribein line with local and national guidelines
17. Referpatients to secondary/urgent care and additional interventions as appropriate
18. Managelong-term conditions and patients with complex problems
19. Promotehealthy living strategies and give health and wellbeing advice, generallyencouraging patients to follow a healthy lifestyle
20. Carryout patient testing and screening as required
21. Makeautonomous clinical decisions relating to patients health needs
22. Contributeto the development and implementation of practice guidelines, policies andprocedures
Delivering high-qualityservices
23. Provideservices to the practices patient population, to the highest possiblestandard, in line with competencies and professional code of conduct
24. Monitorand maintain the standard of care provided, taking appropriate action ifstandards are not met, through self- and peer-review, benchmarking andevaluation
25. Undertakeclinical governance and clinical audit activities to ensure the continualimprovement of service delivery
26. Participatein reviewing and responding to complaints, significant events and other sharedlearning activities within a structured framework.
27. Supportthe performance of team members and collaborate in improving the quality ofhealthcare and service provision, in line with local and national policy andstrategy
28. Workwithin the practices framework for identifying vulnerable patients and applypolicies relating to treatment of vulnerable patients
Managementand leadership
29. Manageworkload, staff availability and cover, in collaboration with fellow partners
30. Make,implement and adhere to decisions, in collaboration with fellow partners,including following agreed processes to raise concerns
31. Ensurethe practice and all staff follow best practice, as set out in clinicalguidelines and identified through audit
32. Actionand refer concerns and issues as appropriate.
33. Processmedical reports, referrals and correspondence
34. Recordand collect data for audit purposes
35. Maketimely, clear, computer-based records of consultations and contact withpatients
36. Maintainadministrative records relating to the practice contract and enhanced services
37. Contribute to providing a supportiveenvironment for other staff through informal catch-ups and contact
38. Attendand contribute to in-house meetings, including clinical,educational/training-related and administrative meetings
39. Attendmeetings and events held by external agencies and stakeholders
40. Contributeto teaching and training clinical staff as appropriate
Person Specification
41. 1. A medical practitioner whose name is included in the General Practitioner Register under article 10 of the General and Specialist Medical Practice Order 2003
42. 2. Not subject to suspension under section 41A of the Medical Act 1983
43. 3. Currently on a performers list and not suspended from that list or from the medical register
44. 4. Accredited as a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP)
Employment Checks