To perform physiotherapeutic assessment of patients with diverse presentations and some complex physical and psychological conditions, to provide a diagnosis and develop and deliver an individualised treatment programme. To hold responsibility for own caseload and be responsible for a defined area of the service or a particular patient type, working without direct supervision. Supervision takes the form of regular formal training, clinical reasoning sessions and case discussions. Access to advice and support from senior physiotherapists is available as required, clinical work is routinely evaluated in the first year. To undertake all aspects of clinical duties as an autonomous practitioner. To supervise assistants and technical instructors. To write departmental and implement Trust wide/departmental policies, procedures and guidelines. Or partake in feedback (depends on grade and role). Maintain a professional appearance in line with the Trust dress code. Uphold the Trusts values and behaviours (available on the Trust web site) and behave in a manner fitting with the responsible position of the post holder, maintaining the public confidence. Maintain professional and courteous working relationships with staff and respect the equality and diversity of each and every person he/she comes into contact with in the course of his/her business. Uphold the privacy and dignity of the patient and respect the equality of patients at all time. Be professionally and legally accountable for all aspects of own work, including the management of patients in your care. Undertake a comprehensive assessment of patients including those with diverse or complex presentations/multi pathologies; using investigative and analytical skills with manual assessment techniques to provide an accurate diagnosis of their condition. Formulate and deliver an individual physiotherapy treatment programme based on a graduate level of theory and treatment options using clinical assessment, clinical reasoning skills and knowledge of treatment skills and relate them to assessment findings in both simple and complex cases. Be able to select and apply a broad range of modalities efficiently and effectively and be able to justify the selection of modality of treatment as an autonomous practitioner. Be aware of own level of clinical experience and recognise when to access support from senior physiotherapists. Take delegated responsibility from the more senior physiotherapists for managing patients with particular conditions. Formulate accurate prognoses and recommend best course of intervention, developing comprehensive discharge plans. Assess patient understanding of treatment proposals, gain valid informed consent and have the capacity to work within a legal framework with patients who lack capacity to consent to treatment. Use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication tools to communicate effectively with patients to progress rehabilitation and treatment programmes. This will include patients with different cultural or language or who have difficulties in understanding or communicating. E.g. patients may be dysphasic, depressed, deaf, blind or who may be unable to accept diagnosis. Demonstrate highly developed dexterity, co-ordination and palpatory senses, for the assessment and manual treatment of patients. Evaluate patient progress, reassess and alter treatment programmes if required. Provide specialist physiotherapy advice to patients and carers. Manage clinical risk within own patient case load. Represent the physiotherapy service and /or individual patients at the multi-disciplinary team meetings Be an active member of the respiratory emergency evening on-call rota and weekend working rotas.