Safe Places for Children was founded as a Registered Charity in April 2016 with the aim of supporting the most vulnerable young people within the residential care industry. Safe Places for Children provide complex traumatised young people in care with individualised therapeutic residential homes within either England or Northern Ireland. Our mission is At Safe Places, its all about the young people. Our values focus on being supportive, responsive, passionate, professional and united. The Young People that Safe Places for Children provide care for can at times display ChallengingBehavioursthatincludebutarenotlimitedtothefollowing; Destroying Property, Absconding, Self- harming, Poor Hygiene, Sexually Acting out towards other Young People or Workers, Fire Fascination, Cruelty to Animals, Anti-social Behaviours, High level Defiance, Physical Aggression including Hitting, Spitting, Kicking, Threatening Young People and/or Workers and Verbal aggression. Our aims and objectives at Safe Places for Children is to provide a model of care that focuses on providing stability, a nurturing & domestic environment that can support positive outcomes for Young People. The Service Delivery will operate in line with our Registered Homes Statement of Purposeand our Organisational Integrated Practice Framework (IPF).Safe Places for Children hire staff members that have the skills, qualities, experience, qualification and abilities to work with High Risk and Complex Traumatised Young People. This Job Descriptionoutlines the roles and responsibilities in which you have been employed to provide. Full job description and application method is available on our website - to be redirected, click apply now for full list of vacancies. General Responsibilities Employees of Safe Places for Children will be required to promote and support our mission: At Safe Places, its all about the young people and our values which are to be Professional, Responsive, Passionate, Untied and Supportive with all stakeholders, colleagues and management that are connected with the organisation and also with young people in our care. Provide a caring service at all times and treat those they come into contact with in a courteous and respectful manner Carry out duties and responsibilities in a manner which assures the safety of young people, colleagues and the public; Build a strong and positive team culture and ensure that adequate rostering / cover is in place within the home; Facilitate team meetings, case inductions, sending reports and assisting in any performance issues that require to be addressed, through direction from the Registered Manager; Lead the development of staff, through Professional Development Plans, Coaching and Identifying areas of Development & Improvement, as directed by the Registered Manager; Complete and Undertake ongoing Risk Assessments, Safety Plans and update Positive Behaviour Support Plans and identify other strategies to support the wider team; Identify and review Data Trends in regards to Incident Management within the Registered Service and Update Documentation to Reflect Support for Team Members within the Service; Deliver and Participate in Incident Reviews with Individual Staff Members and Team Members. Role Model practices and expectations to Team Members within the Service; Attend Multi-Agency (Stakeholder) Meetings with the Relevant Authority, Partnership Organisations and anyone that is involved in the direct care of the Young People at the home, this includes family members, multiple disciplinary teams etc; Support the 24 Hour On-Call system on a Rota basis and provide direct On-Call support for a minimum of four days a week for the staff members; Support the Organisation to run a successful Staff Team and support all day to day runnings within the Registered Home. Any other duties, roles and responsibilities deemed necessary by Management. Essential Skills and Qualifications Third Level Qualification in a minimum Social Work degree for Registered Manager appointed within Northern Ireland. Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management in Residential Child Care for RegisteredManagerappointedwithinEnglandorarelevantQualificationdeemed appropriate in line with HR Policy. Level3LeadershipandManagementQualification 2 Years experience in working with traumatised young people and desirable experiencewouldbetohaveworkedpreviouslywithyoungpeopleina1to1setting. 2 Years experience in managing staff members within a Registered Childrens Home. ExperienceoffworkingwithregulatorssuchasOFSTEDandRQIA. Soundknowledgeofrelevantlegislationandlocalframeworkswithregardsto Children services. Highlevelsofinternalandexternalreportwriting. Highlevelofengagementandprofessionalismwhenengagingwithallstakeholders. Abilitytobeon-callforaminimumof4daysaweek. Abilitytodemonstratetheorganisationsvaluesandmissionstatement. Abilitytohaveshowntheuseofowninitiativeandsettingahighstandard. HaveheldaUKDrivingLicenceformorethan1Yearandnomorethanthree penalty points. Police Checks and other checks deemed necessary by the organisation. Pay and Terms and Conditions Salary £45,488.00peraYear Hours Full-time(38 Hours per aWeek) thispostwill requireflexible workinghours(IncludingSleepoverandShiftWork)tomeet the needs of the organisation and this specific service. An Hours Bank Systems is operated within Safe Places for Children. Holidays 33daysperyearincludingBankHolidays Probation Youwillserveaprobationaryperiodofsixmonths.Thismay be extended if considered appropriate. Waiting List Awaitinglistmaybecompiledforanysimilarfixed-termor permanent vacancies that arise in the next 12 months. Full job description and application method is available on our website - to be redirected, click apply now for full list of vacancies. Skills: Residential Registered Manager Social Care manager Deputy Manager