The Medical Education Fellowship in Leadership and Management is an exciting opportunity for a resident doctor with a strong interest in the future of postgraduate medical education and training focusing on leadership and management.
The Fellowships provide 2-days per week (on average) to work as part of the Postgraduate Medical Education Department (PMED) to develop and deliver a selection of Leadership and Management projects. There is no clinical component to the Fellowship.
Medical Education Fellows benefit from funding to support the educational component of this role for an academic qualification (e.g. PGCert) to the value of £3,000.
For trainees, the Fellowship may be undertaken in-programme or out-of-programme. There are various options including in-training, less-than-full-time training, OOPT, OOPE and OOPP. We will work with you to find the working and training arrangements that suit you and your department best.
Applications for Fellowship roles must be discussed with your Educational Supervisor. Approval must be obtained from the TPD and Head of Service in advance of applying for this role. You will be required to work fully (both your training post and the Fellowship) at NUH so your TPD must be able to rotate you to NUH from August 2025 for 12 months.
Applications are welcome from both LTFT & Full time ST4+ or equivalent resident doctors.
To understand the role in more detail, please read the attached job description and person specification documents.
We expect, during the year, that the successful candidate should:
* Lead, organise and deliver established leadership and management courses, such as Prep4CCT and leadership training for the NUH Foundation programme
* Further develop the Leadership and Management programme portfolio for resident doctors at NUH from Foundation to reaching CCT that dovetails with the current NHSE leadership and management training
* Identify and formalise new leadership opportunities for resident doctors at NUH
* Develop relevant educational materials for trainers and resident doctors
* Develop, organise and/or deliver new and innovative leadership and management teaching opportunities for postgraduate doctors in training within the Trust
* Support the development of the NUH Resident Doctor Forum and lead the training programme for Sub Fora Leads
* Develop a Leadership Hub on the PMED intranet page
* Develop and review educational resources to support leadership and management training
* Gain experience of delivering education in a variety of settings
* Contribute to the Clinical Skills Teaching Faculty on a range of courses, with an expectation that you contribute to teaching regularly (a minimum of 4 days a year)
Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) is one of the biggest and busiest NHS Trusts in the country. We are a large, complex, person-centred organisation with an excellent national and international reputation for the quality of patient care, research, education and innovation. For more information about the Trust, visit our website.
Some of the benefits of working for our organisation include:
* Flexible working
* Opportunities to be innovative/creative in the workplace
* Friendly and supportive work colleagues within the team
* Salary sacrifice schemes
* Cycle to work and travel
The Postgraduate Medical Education Department is based in two Postgraduate Medical Education Centres – one on the QMC campus and one on the NCH campus. In addition, the Clinical Skills Centre, National Repository Centre and Library are based at the NCH centre. The department has a staff consisting of an operational support team, educators and clinicians with an interest in medical education. We work closely with other multi-disciplinary educational groups in the Trust and have strong regional ties to NHSE.
For further details / informal visits contact: Name: Kirsty Neale Job title: PMED Lead Email address: