To work effectively as a member of a team in providing an occupational therapy service within the LSU. To provide Specialist Occupational Therapy advice, intervention and support given to service users and their carers. To provide timely feedback to the MDT information regarding the service users wellbeing and occupational performance. To provide timely feedback regarding any risks as they arise, and to contribute to regular team risk assessments of both individuals and relevant environments. To provide a detailed occupational therapy report when required, within designated clinical area. To use evidence-based practice to engage service users in meaningful and appropriate activities, to promote independence, recovery and well-being. To provide ongoing assessment and adjustment of clinical interventions based on the fluctuating needs of the service users. Undertake delegated tasks to contribute to the safe and smooth running of the service. To undertake risk assessments within clinical area as guided by local/Trust policies. For a more detailed Job and person specification please read attached documents