Casual Exam Invigilator
Job Purpose:
The individual in this position provides invigilation for examinations our client school. The exam invigilator is responsible for picking up the exams material prior to the exam, distributing the material to the candidates, supervising the exam for the duration of the scheduled time and returning all exam materials to the exams officer at the end of the allocated time.
Duties and Responsibilities:
* · To have an understanding of and commitment to maintaining the appropriate standards of confidentiality/security of examination materials.
* · To adhere to the school’s policies and procedures
* · To report/communicate any problems/incidents/emergencies to the examinations officer. Before the Examination:
* · Tidy and straighten exam desks.
* · Check seating cards are in place on desks
* · Setting out examination materials on desks
* · Check clocks are at start time
* · Check that supplies of supplementary paper are available. Entry of Candidates:
* · Assist candidates to their correct seating position
* · Ensure candidates do not open or write on the papers on their desks
* · Visual check on candidates to ensure that they do not have any unauthorised items on them Start of Examination
* · Prevent candidates arriving late from entering hall and supervise them outside
* · Supervise candidates during the starting announcements During Examination
* · Invigilate candidates by slowly walking up and down the rows
* · Supplying supplementary paper to candidates
* · Recording students who need to use the toilet End of Examination
* · Ensuring candidates do not leave hall with exam papers or stationery
* · Collecting up exam papers, booklets etc
* · Sorting completed scripts into candidate number order
* · General tidying up after candidates have left Other duties
* · Supervising candidates with examination clashes over the lunch period
* · Invigilating individual candidates with extra time in small examination