Technology Lead - Specialist - Manchester
Closing Date:
Not sure what skills you will need for this opportunity Simply read the full description below to get a complete picture of candidate requirements.
Networks and Communications Group
Management Level:
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Job Description:
Please note this role will close at 00.01 on the 29th January so we advise making your application by midnight on the 28th January.
About Ofcom
As the UK’s communications regulator, we’re delivering vital work that helps keep the UK connected and shapes the future of how we’ll stay connected with each other.
Our work covers everything from phones and broadband, through to TV, radio, the postal service, and wireless devices. We’re also taking on the challenge of making the online world a safer place. And we need people of all backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences to help us achieve our goal of making communications work for everyone.
Ofcom’s Networks & Communications (N&C) Group plays a central role in making communications work for everyone by enabling a choice of accessible, secure communications services and networks, and working to empower and protect consumers.
Purpose and Scope of the Role
The N&C Technology Team (a key part of N&C Group) is where technologists and engineers experienced in telecoms, networking, broadcast, media and related areas can make a real impact on the lives of consumers in the UK.
Our responsibilities in N&C Technology include: 1. undertaking our duties related to monitoring and enforcing industry compliance to the Telecoms Security Act; 2. undertaking our duties related to monitoring and enforcing industry compliance to the UK Network Information Systems Regulations; and 3. developing Ofcom’s approach to understanding emerging and disruptive technologies across all the sectors we regulate - including mobile, fixed, satellite, broadcast, media and gaming. We monitor emerging technologies and analyse their potential impact on our sectors, engage with technologies in pilots and trials, and provide technical input to ensure Ofcom policies and strategies are robust against technological change.
Working closely with other members of the N&C technology team, you will be responsible for supporting and providing strategic technical insights and guidance on internet infrastructure domains so that Ofcom’s policy positions and approach to the security and resilience oversight of such infrastructure is effective and appropriate to end user needs and expectations, ensuring that they can benefit from new technological innovation in communications networks and services delivering a wide range of consumer and business services.
Your Key Responsibilities
* Working with other colleagues, provide strategic technical insights and guidance on internet infrastructure domains, in relation to security and resilience issues.
* Deliver technical outputs to a consistently high level and ability to demonstrate the impact this work has had on the organisation’s activities, consumers or wider society;
* Monitor development of technical standards.
* Maintaining an ongoing awareness and understanding of current and emerging telecoms technologies, including via: collaborating with technologists in N&C Tech and Ofcom more widely, standards interaction and monitoring, ongoing training, industry liaison and identifying, commissioning and managing specific external technical research projects.
* Work with other members of the team in responding to and assessing telecoms and digital infrastructure company responses to security and resilience incidents that occur in their infrastructure which are reported to Ofcom.
* Understand fraud and scams from a technical perspective and ensure Ofcom can adapt to changing circumstance in this area
* Work with colleagues in Ofcom enforcement teams to provide technical support in relation to any enforcement activity.
* Work with industry stakeholders, Government and other relevant agencies to ensure policy goals are aligned and effectively coordinated.
Essential skills, knowledge and experience
* A comprehensive understanding and direct experience of the network systems and technologies that enable the functioning of the internet, including how the technical architecture and operation of networks affects their delivery.
* Experience and understanding of developing network deployment plans including architectural choices and how to address resilience.
* A sound understanding of non technical factors affecting security and resilience e.g. power, physical security, environmental factors.
* Extensive experience of undertaking forward-looking reviews and assessments of future technologies
* Experience across all network resilience management domains in a telecommunications or related context (business continuity and emergency management, strategy; governance and risk management; response, recovery and resumption of services; situational awareness; testing).
* Articulating Ideas : Communicating technical concepts, both written and orally, across organisational and technical boundaries, including to senior management and non-technical audiences.
* Forming Relationships: Strong interpersonal skills and evidence of ability to interact effectively with, and influence, a range of internal and external stakeholders.
* Executing Plans: Experience of project management including developing and delivering against plans, managing risks and issues along the way.
* Preferably educated to degree level (or equivalent) or significant experience in lieu..
* Relevant professional qualifications.
* The successful candidate will be required to obtain security clearance to “DV” level following appointment.
Although not required to be considered for the role, it is helpful if you have any of the below:
* Experience with evaluating technical issues and identifying reasonable and appropriate control measures.
* Understanding of the internet suite of protocols, networking, routing including BGP/RPKI and DNS.
* Knowledge of the regulatory environment. Experience working with the security and resilience structures e.g. NPSA, NCSC, National Infrastructure Commission, EC-RRG.
* Significant experience working in communications provider, vendor, or related technology-based consultancy environments.
Sylwer y bydd y swydd hon yn cau am 00.01 ar 29 Ionawr felly rydym yn eich cynghori i gyflwyno eich cais erbyn hanner nos ar 28 Ionawr.
Gwybodaeth am Ofcom
Ni yw rheoleiddiwr cyfathrebiadau’r DU ac rydym yn gwneud gwaith hanfodol sy’n helpu i gadw pobl mewn cysylltiad ledled y DU ac sy’n siapio sut byddwn yn cadw mewn cysylltiad â’n gilydd yn y dyfodol.
Mae ein gwaith yn cynnwys popeth o ffonau a band eang i deledu, radio, y gwasanaeth post, a dyfeisiau di-wifr. Rydym hefyd yn ymgymryd â’r her o wneud y byd ar-lein yn lle mwy diogel. I’n helpu i gyflawni ein nod o sicrhau bod cyfathrebiadau’n gweithio i bawb, mae arnom angen pobl o bob cefndir, gyda sgiliau amrywiol ac wedi cael gwahanol brofiadau.
Mae Grŵp Rhwydweithiau a Chyfathrebiadau Ofcom yn chwarae rhan ganolog o ran sicrhau bod cyfathrebu’n gweithio i bawb, drwy alluogi dewis o wasanaethau a rhwydweithiau cyfathrebu hygyrch a diogel, a gweithio i rymuso a diogelu defnyddwyr.
Pwrpas a Hyd a Lled y Swydd
Mae’r Tîm Technoleg Rhwydweithiau a Chyfathrebiadau (rhan allweddol o’r Grŵp Rhwydweithiau a Chyfathrebiadau) yn galluogi technolegwyr a pheirianwyr sydd â phrofiad o delegyfathrebiadau, rhwydweithio, darlledu, y cyfryngau a meysydd cysylltiedig i gael effaith wirioneddol ar fywydau defnyddwyr yn y DU.
Mae ein cyfrifoldebau ym maes Technoleg Rhwydweithiau a Chyfathrebiadau yn cynnwys y canlynol: 1. cyflawni ein dyletswyddau sy’n ymwneud â monitro a gorfodi cydymffurfiad y diwydiant â’r Ddeddf Diogelwch Telegyfathrebiadau; 2. ymgymryd â’n dyletswyddau sy’n ymwneud â monitro a gorfodi cydymffurfiad y diwydiant â Rheoliadau Systemau Gwybodaeth Rhwydwaith y DU; a 3. datblygu dull Ofcom o ddeall technolegau sy’n dod i’r amlwg ac sy’n tarfu ar draws yr holl sectorau rydym yn eu rheoleiddio – gan gynnwys symudol, sefydlog, lloeren, darlledu, y cyfryngau a gemau. Rydym yn monitro technolegau sy’n dod i’r amlwg ac yn dadansoddi eu heffaith bosibl ar ein sectorau, yn ymgysylltu â thechnolegau mewn cynlluniau peilot a threialon, ac yn darparu mewnbwn technegol i sicrhau bod polisïau a strategaethau Ofcom yn gadarn yn erbyn newid technolegol.
Gan weithio’n agos gydag aelodau eraill o dîm technoleg y Gwledydd a’r Rhanbarthau, byddwch yn gyfrifol am gefnogi a darparu gwybodaeth dechnegol strategol ac arweiniad ar barthau seilwaith y rhyngrwyd fel bod safbwyntiau polisi Ofcom a’i ddull gweithredu o ran goruchwylio diogelwch a chadernid seilwaith o’r fath yn effeithiol ac yn briodol i anghenion a disgwyliadau defnyddwyr, gan sicrhau eu bod yn gallu elwa o arloesi technolegol newydd mewn rhwydweithiau a gwasanaethau cyfathrebu sy’n cynnig amrywiaeth eang o wasanaethau i ddefnyddwyr a busnesau.
Eich Prif Gyfrifoldebau
* Gan weithio gyda chydweithwyr eraill, cyflwyno gwybodaeth dechnegol strategol ac arweiniad ar barthau seilwaith y rhyngrwyd, ynglŷn â materion diogelwch a chadernid.
* Darparu allbynnau technegol ar lefel gyson uchel a’r gallu i ddangos yr effaith y mae’r gwaith hwn wedi’i chael ar weithgareddau’r sefydliad, defnyddwyr neu’r gymdeithas ehangach;
* Monitro datblygiad safonau technegol.
* Cynnal ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth barhaus o dechnolegau telegyfathrebiadau cyfredol a rhai sy’n dod i’r amlwg, gan gynnwys drwy: gydweithio â thechnolegwyr yn y maes Technoleg Rhwydweithiau a Chyfathrebiadau ac Ofcom yn ehangach, rhyngweithio a monitro safonau, hyfforddiant parhaus, cysylltu â’r diwydiant a hefyd nodi, comisiynu a rheoli prosiectau ymchwil technegol allanol penodol.
* Gweithio gydag aelodau eraill o’r tîm i ymateb i ymatebion cwmnïau telegyfathrebiadau a seilwaith digidol i ddigwyddiadau diogelwch a chadernid sy’n digwydd yn eu seilwaith ac sy’n cael eu hadrodd i Ofcom, ac asesu hynny.
* Deall twyll a sgamiau o safbwynt technegol a sicrhau bod Ofcom yn gallu addasu i amgylchiadau sy’n newid yn y maes hwn
* Gweithio gyda chydweithwyr yn nhimau gorfodi Ofcom i roi cymorth technegol ynglŷn ag unrhyw weithgarwch gorfodi.
* Gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid yn y diwydiant, y Llywodraeth ac asiantaethau perthnasol eraill i sicrhau bod nodau polisi yn cyd-fynd ac yn cael eu cydlynu’n effeithiol.
Sgiliau, gwybodaeth a phrofiad hanfodol
* Dealltwriaeth gynhwysfawr a phrofiad uniongyrchol o’r systemau a’r technolegau rhwydwaith sy’n galluogi’r rhyngrwyd i weithredu, gan gynnwys sut mae pensaernïaeth dechnegol a gweithrediad rhwydweithiau yn effeithio ar eu darpariaeth.
* Profiad a dealltwriaeth o ddatblygu cynlluniau defnyddio rhwydwaith gan gynnwys dewisiadau pensaernïol a sut i fynd i’r afael â chadernid.
* Dealltwriaeth gadarn o ffactorau nad ydynt yn dechnegol sy’n effeithio ar ddiogelwch a chadernid ee pŵer, diogelwch ffisegol, ffactorau amgylcheddol.
* Profiad helaeth o gynnal adolygiadau ac asesiadau blaengar o dechnolegau’r dyfodol
* Profiad ar draws pob parth rheoli cadernid rhwydwaith mewn cyd-destun telegyfathrebiadau neu gyd-destun cysylltiedig (parhad busnes a rheoli argyfwng, strategaeth; llywodraethu a rheoli risg; ymateb, adfer ac ailddechrau gwasanaethau; ymwybyddiaeth o’r sefyllfa; profi).
* Mynegi Syniadau: Cyfleu cysyniadau technegol, yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar, ar draws ffiniau sefydliadol a thechnegol, gan gynnwys i uwch reolwyr a chynulleidfaoedd nad ydynt yn dechnegol.
* Ffurfio Cysylltiadau: Sgiliau rhyngbersonol cryf a thystiolaeth o’r gallu i ryngweithio’n effeithiol ag amrywiaeth o randdeiliaid mewnol ac allanol a dylanwadu arnynt.
* Gweithredu Cynlluniau: Profiad o reoli prosiectau gan gynnwys datblygu a chyflawni yn erbyn cynlluniau, rheoli risgiau a materion ar hyd y ffordd.
* Addysg hyd at lefel gradd (neu gymhwyster cyfatebol) neu brofiad sylweddol yn lle hynny.
* Cymwysterau proffesiynol perthnasol.
* Bydd gofyn i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus gael cliriad diogelwch hyd at lefel “DV” ar ôl cael ei benodi.
Er nad yw’n ofynnol i chi gael eich ystyried ar gyfer y swydd, mae’n ddefnyddiol os oes gennych unrhyw un o’r canlynol:
* Profiad o werthuso materion technegol a nodi mesurau rheoli rhesymol a phriodol.
* Dealltwriaeth o’r gyfres o brotocolau, rhwydweithio a llwybro ar y rhyngrwyd, gan gynnwys BGP/RPKI a DNS.
* Gwybodaeth am yr amgylchedd rheoleiddio. Profiad o weithio gyda’r strwythurau diogelwch a chadernid ee NPSA, NCSC, y Comisiwn Seilwaith Cenedlaethol, EC-RRG.
* Profiad sylweddol o weithio ym maes darparwr cyfathrebiadau, gwerthwr, neu amgylcheddau ymgynghori cysylltiedig sy’n seiliedig ar dechnoleg.
Ofcom has a clear mission: to make communications work for everyone. To be able to deliver on this, we want our organisation to reflect the diversity of background, experience, upbringing and thought that exists across the UK. We aim to recruit from the widest pool of candidates possible – no matter your social background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or disability.
Where positions are listed as full-time, we remain open to reduced hours, part-time arrangements, job shares, and other flexible working options. From day one, we champion flexible work arrangements to accommodate individual needs.
We also warmly welcome applicants who are returning to the workforce after a break – for whatever reason. If you have taken time away and are ready to rejoin, we look forward to reviewing your application.
Our recruitment processes prioritise accessibility and inclusivity. If you need information in an alternative format or have specific preferences, please contact our recruitment team at or call 0330 912 1378.
As a Disability Confident employer, we offer interviews to disabled applicants who meet essential criteria for advertised roles. Learn more about this scheme here.