WATCH Treasurer (Charity Trustee)
Time commitment: 6 hours per month
Location: WATCH Centre, 12 Victoria Street, Hillfields, Coventry, CV1 5LZ
Responsible to: WATCH Chair of Trustees
We are seeking an experienced trustee who can use their knowledge and expertise to support the charity through an interesting period of transition.
We are recruiting passionate individuals with specific knowledge and expertise in:
1. Charity finance
2. Charity business development/trading sales
3. Fundraising
We're especially looking for any Treasurer trustee candidates who also have experience in any of the following areas: children and young people, refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, employment and training support, radio broadcasting, culture & arts.
Please apply if you have experience being a charity trustee or have a clear understanding of what the role involves.
Successful candidates will:
1. Have experience being a charity trustee or be able to demonstrate knowledge of the requirements.
2. Be a passionate person with a drive for equality.
3. Have a proactive approach to being a trustee and supporting the development of the charity.
4. Be able to commit time and skills to support the growth and development of the charity.
5. Be committed to supporting WATCH Charity to continue providing outstanding quality services.
6. Be dedicated to considering the needs of the service users during all decision making.
Time commitment:
The board meets twelve times a year on the second Thursday of the month. Each meeting will last approximately 2 hours.
1. Most board meetings will happen in person at WATCH, Coventry.
2. The role is unremunerated. Reasonable expenses are payable.
3. There is the expectation for 4 hours work to be carried out in between meetings.
WATCH Charity is a firm supporter of equality and diversity, and we encourage applications from people with diverse backgrounds.
About us:
Working Actively To Change Hillfields (WATCH) charity, established in 1998, is a vibrant, thriving and nurturing service for people living in Hillfields and the wider city of Coventry. Hillfields is a multicultural area in Coventry, which is also in the top 10% of deprived neighbourhoods in England. Initially set up to tackle unemployment, the charity has expanded and grown over the years in terms of its offer to the community. WATCH continues to deliver employment services, as well as projects around digital inclusion and energy advice. The charity also runs a youth provision and is home to Hillz FM community radio.
The charity’s main demographic of service users are refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and young people between the ages of 8 – 30. WATCH prioritises holistic approaches to support, working with service users as a whole, and supporting them in overcoming any barriers they may have.
To apply: send your CV and cover letter to