About this Role Teaching and Learning 1. Plan and deliver lessons in accordance with the school policy on teaching and learning 2. Collaborate with partners to implement schemes of work, ensuring that these support good learning and good student progress 3. Set appropriate and demanding expectations for students’ learning, motivation and presentation of work 4. Liaise with relevant colleagues on the planning of units of work for collaborative delivery 5. Contribute to the departmental development plans 6. Work in collaboration with Teaching Assistants and with other adults who may attend lessons to support students 7. Know, and take account of, students’ prior levels of attainment and use them to plan lessons and set targets for future improvements 8. Set work for students absent from school for health and disciplinary reasons 9. Maintain good discipline by adherence to the advice given to staff in the staff handbook and elsewhere 10. Set high expectations for students’ behaviour by establishing a purposeful working atmosphere in accordance with the school’s behaviour code Assessment, Recording and Reporting 1. Maintain notes and plans of lessons undertaken, and records of students’ work 2. Mark, monitor and return work within a reasonable and agreed time span in accordance with the school marking and assessment policy, providing constructive oral and written feedback and clear targets for future learning as appropriate 3. Analyse data on student progress, achievement and attainment in line with school policy and practice 4. Complete student reports and progress grades in line with policy and as specified in the published calendar 5. Attend the appropriate parents’ evenings to keep parents informed as to the progress of their child 6. Be familiar with the Code of Practice for identification and assessment of Special Education Needs and keep appropriate records on Individual Education Plans for students Pastoral Responsibility 1. Undertake responsibility for a group of students as required 2. Be the first point of contact for parents of students in the group, liaising with other staff as appropriate 3. Communicate regularly with the Head of Year about any issues or concerns about individual students or the tutor group as a whole 4. Monitor (and set targets for) the social and academic progress of individuals in the tutor group and be prepared to discuss these with parents 5. Be prepared to deliver the tutorial programme registration as required by the school 6. Promote good attendance and monitor this in accordance with the school’s attendance policy, ensuring that the school’s attendance administrator receives information promptly and accurately 7. Attend assemblies with the students and encourage them to take an active role in presenting assemblies Professional Standards 1. Make the education of students the first concern and be accountable for achieving the highest possible standards of work and conduct 2. Support the aims of the school and endeavour to promote our development as a learning community 3. Treat all members of the school community with respect and consideration 4. Treat all students fairly, consistently and without prejudice 5. Set a good example to students in terms of appropriate dress, standards of punctuality and attendance 6. Promote the aims of the school by attendance at and participation in events such as open evenings, options evenings (as appropriate to your responsibilities) 7. Support the ethos of the school by upholding the behaviour code, uniform regulations etc 8. Take responsibility for your own professional development and participate in staff training when provided and seeking out other opportunities 9. Reflect on your own practice as well as the practice of the school with the aim of continuous improvement 10. Read and adhere to the various policies of the school as expressed in the School Development Plan, the Staff Handbook, subject area/year group documentation, etc 11. Participate in the management of the school by attending various meetings according to the schedule 12. Participate in school and department evaluation and programme for monitoring teaching and learning 13. Undertake duties as prescribed within school policies 14. Ensure that all deadlines are met as published in the school calendar 15. Undertake professional duties that may be reasonably assigned to them by the Headteacher 16. Be proactive and take responsibility for matters relating to Health and Safety School Duties 1. To undertake duties before school and during breaks, on a rota basis 2. To set cover work when on leave of absence 3. To play a full part in the life of the school community, supporting our ethos and values