What will the job entail?
You will be Supporting Individuals with learning and physical disabilities on a one to one basis, to have choice, control and to support then to have their voice heard and support them to develop skills towards their longer term future. You will be able to plan and implement imaginative activities that will also help them to develop skills.
You will need to have an understanding that some people communicate their feelings with behaviours. We are looking for those with a ‘can do’ and can adapt their skills to suit.
You will be working as part of a team in our Day Servicers and out in the community. You would need to be able to motivate and support people to take part in a wide range of special interests and activities that support their health and wellbeing such as; walks, quizzes, IT skills, swimming, baking, cooking, photography and crafts to name a few.
Other duties may include assisting individuals who are unable to fully attend to their own personal care needs this may include manual handling.
As a Day Service support worker you would need to demonstrate an ability to be creative and open minded as you assist people towards achieving their goals, whilst also helping the team to provide a safe, caring and learning experience for so that they have the best quality of life possible.
Resilience is a must in our care sector. We all have our good and bad days and the ability to remain calm and supportive is a must.
There may be a requirement to work some unsociable hours such as weekends and evenings but we will work with you so you have a home / work life balance.
This Post requires a DBS check. You will undertake an induction program and will be able to attend specialist training to give you all of the skills that will help you to give those that you are working with the best opportunities to fulfil their lives.
What our staff say are the best bits of this job are;
• Seeing the individuals we support with achieve their goals,
• Encouraging individuals we support to take part in activities
• Encouraging individuals we support to voice their opinions on what they would like to do
• Seeing individuals we support grow in confidence.
• It is an amazing feeling when those we support say how they have enjoyed their time at the centre,
• We have lots of fun and plenty of laughter.
If you’re looking for a rewarding and fulfilling career and would like to know more, give us a call for an informal chat.
Byddwch yn cefnogi unigolion gydag anableddau dysgu a chorfforol ar sail un i un i gael dewis, rheolaeth a llais ac i’w cefnogi i ddatblygu sgiliau tuag at eu dyfodol hirdymor.
Byddwch yn gallu cynllunio a gweithredu gweithgareddau llawn dychymyg, a fydd hefyd yn eu helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau.
Bydd arnoch chi angen dealltwriaeth fod rhai pobl yn cyfathrebu eu teimladau gydag ymddygiad. Rydym yn chwilio am y rhai sydd ag ymagwedd ‘gallu gwneud’ ac sy’n gallu addasu eu sgiliau.
Byddwch yn gweithio fel rhan o dîm yn ein Gwasanaethau Dydd ac allan yn y gymuned. Byddwch yn gallu annog a chefnogi pobl i gymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o ddiddordebau a gweithgareddau arbennig sy’n cefnogi eu hiechyd a’u lles, fel mynd am dro, cymryd rhan mewn cwisiau, dysgu sgiliau TG, nofio, pobi, coginio, ffotograffiaeth a chrefftau.
Bydd y dyletswyddau eraill yn cynnwys cynorthwyo unigolion na allant fod yn gwbl gyfrifol am eu hanghenion personol eu hunain a gall hynny gynnwys codi a chario.
Fel gweithiwr cefnogi Gwasanaeth Dydd bydd arnoch chi angen meddwl agored a chreadigrwydd, gan y byddwch chi’n cynorthwyo pobl i gyrraedd nodau, yn ogystal â chynorthwyo’r tîm i ddarparu profiad diogel, gofalgar ac addysgol ar gyfer pobl ag anableddau, fel eu bod yn cael yr ansawdd bywyd gorau posibl.
Mae’n rhaid cael gwytnwch yn ein sector gofal. Mae pob un ohonom yn cael dyddiau da a dyddiau gwael, ac felly mae gallu aros yn ddigynnwrf a chefnogol yn hollbwysig.
Efallai y bydd gofyn i chi weithio rhywfaint o oriau anghymdeithasol megis ar benwythnosau a gyda’r nos, ond byddwn yn gweithio gyda chi fel bod gennych chi gydbwysedd rhwng gwaith a bywyd.
Mae'r swydd hon angen gwiriad gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd. Byddwch yn cwblhau rhaglen gyflwyno ac yn gallu gwneud hyfforddiant arbenigol a fydd yn rhoi’r holl sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnoch er mwyn i chi roi’r cyfleoedd gorau posibl i’r bobl rydych chi’n eu cefnogi.
Y pethau gorau am y swydd yn ôl ein staff:
• Gweld yr unigolion rydym yn eu cefnogi yn cyrraedd eu nodau
• Annog unigolion rydym ni’n eu cefnogi i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau
• Annog unigolion rydym ni’n eu cefnogi i leisio eu barn o ran beth sydd arnyn nhw eisiau ei wneud
• Gweld yr unigolion a gefnogwn yn magu hyder
• Mae’n deimlad braf clywed y bobl rydym ni’n eu cefnogi yn dweud eu bod wedi mwynhau eu hunain yn y ganolfan.
• Mae llawer o hwyl a chwerthin i’w gael.
Os ydych chi’n chwilio am yrfa wobrwyol a boddhaus ac arnoch chi eisiau gwybod mwy, cysylltwch â ni i gael sgwrs anffurfiol.
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .