The Neurodevelopment Service evaluates multiple aspects of children's development received inthe referral information and provides appropriate support to children and families. The process ofneurodevelopmental assessment is dynamic and individualised, requiring an empathetic and holistic approach. The support / intervention provided will be based on a combination of interviewing, observation, standardised testing, and interpretation of results to evaluate a child's neurological and developmental functioning. Information will be analysed from the referral to consider the developmental, familial, social and environmental factors of the child and family. This will include information about birth, early milestones and identify any familial conditions that might contribute to neurodevelopmental concerns (e.g., autism, ADHD, learning disabilities). There will also be understanding of the child's home environment, social interactions, and educational background. Standardised Tests used within the Neurodevelopment Service include: ADOS-2, QB and QB Check, Neurodevelopmental Profile Tools, ESSENCE-D, ADi-R, rating scales such as SNAP V. The clinician will be able to identify areas of developmental concerns such as speech and language issues, recognising differences in speech clarity and fluency, comprehension, expression, and pragmatic use of language. Evaluate the childs use of gestures, facial expressions, and body language, which is particularly important in assessing children with ASD. The clinician will be able to evaluate the child's response to different sensory stimuli, such as touch, sound, and movement and understand their sensory responses. Collaboration with specialists such as occupational therapists, speech therapists and psychologists is essential to get a full understanding of the childs development and neurodevelopmental issues. The clinician should integrate all collected data (clinical history, observations, standardised assessments) to identify areas / domains of need that are impacting upon the childs daily functioning. Following the assessment process, the clinician will consult with the MDT to consider diagnostic outcomes, feed the outcome to the family, provide an outcome report based on the assessment and provide advice to post diagnostic services available to the child and family.