Dumber Lane
M33 5QX
Headteacher: Mr Steve Worrall
Fixed term maternity cover 1 September 2025 to 31 August 2026
Main Pay Range (dependent upon experience)
1 x full time, fixed-term position
We would like to invite applications for the post of classroom teacher for maternity leave cover.
We are looking for a passionate and dedicated teacher to join our high-performing team. The ideal candidate will have creativity, a passion for teaching and a strong desire to continually improve. The post is fixed term due to maternity cover.
The successful candidate will:
1. be an excellent classroom practitioner committed to developing pupil potential;
2. have high standards and the ability to challenge all children;
3. be a strong team player who will contribute to the wider life of the school;
4. have excellent communication skills and be able to work positively with children, parents and staff;
5. have energy and enthusiasm to motivate and inspire.
Visits are encouraged and interested candidates who wish to visit the school should call the school office to arrange an appointment on 0161 912 3685.
Wellfield Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils and expects all staff to share this commitment. References will be required, and the appointment will be made subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check and all checks, including online, in accordance with KCSIE 2024.
Please return completed application forms to m.pitlovits@wellfieldjunior.trafford.sch.uk or to Wellfield Junior School, Dumber Lane, Sale, M33 5QX.
Closing Date - Friday 7 March 2025 at 12 Noon
Shortlisting Monday 10 March 2025
Lesson Observation Week Beginning Monday 17 March 2025
Interview Date Monday 24 March
Applicants who are not contacted during this period may assume that they have not been successful but are thanked for their interest.