You will work with individuals who have accessed a mental health recovery-based service within Teesside Mind, Darlington Mind or similar, and you will be an integrated and valued member of the wider team. Drawing on your own experience of mental health problems, you will walk alongside others on their journey and will inspire hope and belief that recovery is possible. You will listen non-judgementally to create safe spaces where people feel heard and approach the peer relationship with compassion and curiosity. You will recognise and value each persons strengths, diversity and expertise in themselves. You will be aware of the impacts of trauma and committed to the importance of working in ways which are sensitive to the needs of trauma survivors. Important parts of this role also include working within the team to help peoples voices be heard and to promote recovery values. You will be supported to challenge both individual and structural instances of stigma and discrimination related to mentalhealth problems and other forms of exclusion. At the start of the role, you will attend peer support training alongside other new team members from Mind and TEWV. This training is delivered by people with their own lived experience and experience working in peer roles.