The Paediatric Unit - F1 paediatric unit has a total of 27 cots or beds, with the ability to accept infants, children and teenagers of which 4 beds and 1 cubicle are High Dependency, and in addition. Separate areas on the ward are designated for children deemed immunosuppressed, children having surgery and those suffering from infectious diseases. The Neonatal Unit - Local Neonatal Unit (LNU) has 16 cots for babies born at 27 weeks gestation and above, and care for babies with a range of care needs and conditions. We also workwith the neonatal transport teams to transfer babies to other hospitals who need care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). NICUs will care for babies who are born extremely prematurely or require additional specialist care or surgery. Paediatric Assessment Unit -The Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) is adjacent to the in-patient ward and is staffed by nurses and resident Doctors with a supervising Consultant. In the unit there are 8 beds and will typically see between 20 to 30 children daily, referred from primary care or ED. We are committed to supporting the ED to manage flow out of ED, as well as direct admissions from ED, the ward also facilitates elective activity, and the PAU takes direct GP referrals. We also provide day care, ambulatory care and open access for some patient groups. Education - The department is committed to providing excellent educational opportunities with facilities to deliver virtual learning: Weekly X Ray meeting Weekly afternoon education session Monthly educational half day Monthly Morbidity and Mortality meeting Monthly Safeguarding meeting Monthly Perinatal Meetings The department has medical students from the University Southampton and St Georges Medical School. Please see a typical job plan below. This will be adapted depending on the specialist role the successful candidate will provide and in line with service needs. We work to annualised job plans. 2 PAs for Weekends and On Call Including Predictable and Unpredictable Activity. Total 10 PA per week. Approx. 8.5 Direct Clinical Care and 1.5 Supporting Professional Activities - The applicant will be expected to work flexibly along with the rest of the consultant teams. Our job plans adapt to service needs and changes in workforce with good team working needed to ensure the quality of care we aspire to. Attending Week 2 in 12 (Ward F1 or NNU) AM 08.30-12.30 PM12.30-16.30 PAs Mon Ward Ward 2 Tues Ward/ Consultant meeting Ward 2 Weds Ward Ward 2 Thurs Ward/Journal Club Ward 2 Fri Ward/ Grand Round/ Sim training Ward 2 Total 10 DCC Non-Attending Weeks with PAU 4 in 12 AM 08.30-12.30 PM12.30-16.30 Evening 16.30-21.00 PAs Mon PAU/GP hotline PAU/GP hotline PAU GP hotline till 18.00 3.3 DCC Tues Off off Weds OP SPA 1 DCC 1 SPA Thurs OP/ Journal Club DCC 2 DCC Fri OP/ Grand Round/Sim training off 1 DCC Non-Attending Weeks 6 in 12 AM 08.30-12.30 PM12.30-16.30 PAs Mon DCC DCC 2 DCC Tues Off Off Weds OP SPA 1 DCC 1 SPA Thurs OP/ Journal Club SPA 1 DCC 1 SPA Fri OP/ Grand Round/Sim training Off 1in 2 DCC 1 in 2 1.5 DCC