Join Our Leadership Team at Ysgol Clywedog
Two Assistant Headteachers required L12-L16
Are you an ambitious and dedicated leader with a passion for transforming young lives?
A unique opportunity to join a school on a significant improvement journey.
Ysgol Clywedog is seeking two exceptional Assistant Headteachers to join our improving school. This is an exciting opportunity for enthusiastic professionals who are committed to fostering a culture of excellence, inclusion, and ambition. You will play a key role in shaping the future of our school, inspiring both students and staff to reach their full potential. If you are ready to make a lasting impact and drive positive change, we would love to hear from you.
At Ysgol Clywedog, we believe that education is about more than just academic success—it’s about nurturing confident, resilient, and aspirational young people. As an Assistant Headteacher, you will lead with compassion, championing the needs of every student while working collaboratively with staff, parents, and the wider community. Your enthusiasm and innovative approach will help us continue to create a supportive and inspiring learning environment. If you share our vision and are eager to make a real difference, we look forward to welcoming you to our team.
You will have a track record of sustained improvement either at middle leadership or senior leadership level. The precise roles of the leadership team will be adapted depending on the skills of the successful candidates.
Tours around the school prior to application are encouraged, these will take place on Thursday 13th March 9am-11am and Friday 14th March 2pm-4pm please contact Kelly Stacey on the details below to book a slot.
Applications including a letter no longer than three sides of A4 detailing your previous experience and your thoughts about school improvement should be directed to no later than Friday 21st March 3pm. Interviews are currently scheduled to take place on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th March.
Ymunwch â'n Tîm Arweinyddiaeth yn Ysgol Clywedog
Dau Bennaeth Cynorthwyol L12-L16
Ydych chi’n arweinydd uchelgeisiol ac ymroddedig gyda brwdfrydedd dros drawsnewid bywydau pobl ifanc?
Dyma gyfle unigryw i ymuno ag ysgol ar daith welliant sylweddol.
Mae Ysgol Clywedog yn chwilio am ddau Bennaeth Cynorthwyol eithriadol i ymuno â'n hysgol sy’n mynd o nerth i nerth. Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i weithwyr proffesiynol brwdfrydig sy'n ymrwymo i feithrin diwylliant rhagoriaeth, cynhwysiant ac uchelgais. Byddwch yn chwarae rhan allweddol wrth lunio dyfodol ein hysgol, gan ysbrydoli disgyblion a staff i gyflawni eu potensial llawn. Os ydych yn barod i wneud gwahaniaeth parhaol a gyrru newid cadarnhaol, byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych.
Yn Ysgol Clywedog, credwn fod addysg yn golygu mwy na llwyddiant academaidd yn unig—mae'n ymwneud â meithrin pobl ifanc hyderus, cryf ac uchelgeisiol. Fel Pennaeth Cynorthwyol, byddwch yn arwain gyda chydymdeimlad, gan eiriol dros anghenion pob disgybl tra’n cydweithio’n agos â staff, rhieni a'r gymuned ehangach. Bydd eich brwdfrydedd a’ch dull arloesol yn ein helpu i barhau i greu amgylchedd dysgu cefnogol ac ysbrydoledig. Os ydych yn rhannu ein gweledigaeth ac yn awyddus i wneud gwahaniaeth go iawn, edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu i'n tîm.
Bydd gennych hanes profedig o wella safonau yn barhaus naill ai ar lefel arweinyddiaeth ganol neu uwch. Bydd rolau penodol y tîm arweinyddiaeth yn cael eu haddasu yn ôl sgiliau'r ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus.
Anogir teithiau o amgylch yr ysgol cyn cyflwyno cais; bydd y rhain yn cael eu cynnal ddydd Iau 13eg o Fawrth rhwng 9am-11am a dydd Gwener 14eg o Fawrth rhwng 2pm-4pm. Cysylltwch â Kelly Stacey ar y manylion isod i archebu lle.
Dylid anfon ceisiadau, gan gynnwys llythyr dim hirach na thair ochr A4 yn nodi eich profiad blaenorol a’ch syniadau am wella ysgolion, at erbyn dydd Gwener 21ain o Fawrth am 3pm. Mae'r cyfweliadau wedi’u hamserlennu i’w cynnal ar ddydd Iau 27ain a dydd Gwener 28ain o Fawrth .