JOB SUMMARY: The postholder will be responsible for day to day operational management and coordination of services and service delivery across the practice. S/he will have delegated responsibility for the day to day management of the practice, accountable via regular reporting particularly during the weekly Practice Meeting, to enable clinicians to concentrate on clinical care. Working in close liaison with all Partners, staff, the ICB and NHS England the postholder will ensure an organisationally effective business service to support the health of patients. S/he has line management responsibility for administrative, clerical and support staff employed by the Practice, including the non-clinical administration of GPs and nursing staff.
Staffing and Human Resources
1. Take responsibility for the day-to-day line management of clinical and non-clinical staff.
2. Provide support for the recruitment and lead the induction of new staff and trainees.
3. Coordinate mandatory training and maintain accurate training logs for all staff.
4. Monitor staff compliance against CQC requirements providing regular updates to the senior team.
5. Keep up to date with employment legislation, including health and safety legislation, contracts, grievance and disciplinary procedures.
6. Ensure that all practice policies and paperwork comply with statutory requirements; promote good employment practices.
7. Manage practice discipline and grievance procedures for staff.
8. Manage the system and process of appraisal for all staff, ensuring involvement of the partners; promote opportunities for mentoring and clinical supervision ensuring that the identification of training and development needs is undertaken through regular appraisal and that such needs are met.
9. Forecast practice staff training needs; facilitate in-house training; ensure induction of all new staff; identify and facilitate appropriate external training; actively participate in local training needs analysis projects.
10. Ensure the staff holiday rota maintains adequate staffing levels.
11. Coordinate in-house training of staff members as required.
Practice Development and Clinical Governance
1. Manage communication processes within the practice including preparation of regular staff briefings and standard operating procedure updates.
2. Produce a monthly patient newsletter for print and digital.
3. Maintain practice social media channels with regular posts and updates.
4. Lead and coordinate the audit process ensuring regular clinical and non-clinical audits with learning points shared in meetings.
5. Develop and implement, review and update policies and procedures and bring these to the attention of all relevant staff.
6. Monitor compliance against regulatory requirements for health and safety, quality and CQC.
Service Delivery - Rotas
1. Plan, coordinate and implement clinical team rotas to include annual leave management, staffing levels, rota production and EMIS template entry.
2. Produce weekly rotas and coordinate cover for any shortfalls.
3. Evaluate clinical availability and access against national service delivery targets.
4. Organise the employment of locum cover as required.
1. Coordinate practice meetings, plan and collate agendas, ensure accurate meeting notes/minutes are taken with clear actions agreed.
2. Weekly practice meetings, monthly staff meetings and quarterly patient group meetings with regular ICB/PCN meeting attendance.
3. Implement action; ensure all significant issues are discussed and reviewed.
Patient and Community Services
1. In conjunction with the reception manager ensure effective care coordination and reception services to patients; evaluate service to ensure compliance with best practice guidelines.
2. Produce, update and monitor practice information; monitor effectiveness and quality of practice information and image; market practice services.
3. Plan, review and implement clinics in response to needs and targets; ensure compliance with best practice (national service frameworks, NICE guidelines etc).
4. Lead on all aspects of complaints; manage and monitor the practice complaints policy and procedures; undertake appropriate investigations as necessary; respond to complaints as per CQC guidelines, maintain trackers, share learning points and establish procedures to minimise complaints.
5. Lead on all aspects of incident and significant event management; manage and monitor the practice incident management policy and procedures; respond to incidents as per CQC guidelines, maintain trackers, share learning points and establish procedures to mitigate future risk and recurrence.
6. Represent the practice at external meetings; establish effective relationships with outside agencies and with practice-based community services e.g. PCN.
Premises and Equipment
1. Maintain systems for ensuring adequate stocks of stationery, clinical and other supplies; review on a regular basis to maximise discounts and cash flow efficiency.
2. Monitor and maintain maintenance schedules for all equipment; undertake feasibility studies; liaise with senior team.
3. Coordinate premise maintenance and cleaning services; liaise with external contractors as necessary.
4. Ensure adequate premises security; test and review regularly; liaise with crime and fire prevention officers as necessary.
5. Identify potential problems and maintain risk management processes.
6. Lead on operational aspects of Health and Safety.
Information Management and Technology
1. Coordinate all IT management in the Practice including user logins, service calls, troubleshooting, updates and improvements.
2. Setup new users and act as RA agent coordinating smartcards and logins.
3. Coordinate PCSE and act as main point of contact for the Practice.
4. Lead on IT crisis prevention; assess effectiveness of the system and the safety and security of data; liaise with system supplier and IT support as necessary.