Swydd:RheolwrCanolfanInstitiwt Glyn Ebwy (EVI)
Cyflog:CyflogCychwynnol £37,000 pa. Graddfa D4.
Cynyddiadblynyddolyncodihyd at £43,000
Oriau a lleoliad:35 awr yr wythnosynInstitiwt Glyn Ebwy
Hawlgwyliau:25 diwrnodynogystal gwyliaucyhoeddus (arl 2 flynedd ac i 30 diwrnodarlcwblhau 5 mlynedd o wasanaeth)
Hyd y cytundeb:Swyddbarhaol - Yn ddibynnolargyllid
Yn ymateboli:DirprwyPrifWeithredwr
Buddiannau:Cynllunpensiwn - hyd at 6% ogyfraniadcyflogwr
Cyfraniad TG misol
Cyfnodprawf:6 mis
GweledigaethProMoCymru:NewidCreadigol er Lles Cymdeithasol
CenhadaethEVI:I weithiogydachymunedaulleol a thuhwntigreucanolfan o ragoriaethgellirymfalchoynddi, lle gall boblgymrydrhan, dysgu, creu a chaeleuhadlonni; gangadwi ethos gwreiddiolInstitiwt Glyn Ebwy.
EVI Mae Institiwt Glyn Ebwyynadeiladllawnhanes a diwylliant. Sefydlwydyn 1849 ihyrwyddocyfnewidfaddiwylliannolyn yr ardal. Yn dilynnifer o flynyddoeddyn wag cafoddadnewyddiadmawr. Mae bellachynganolfancymunedol a diwylliannolargyfer Blaenau Gwent a'rardaloeddcyfagos.
Mae'r EVI yngartrefiamrywiaeth o sefydliadau, gangynnwysCymunedau am Waith a Mwy, GwasanaethauIeuenctid Blaenau Gwent, Gwent-N-Gage, CymorthiFerchedCyfannol a Hyfforddiant ACT (wedi'ileoliynein hail adeilad, 44 Church Street).
Mae'rgwaith o adfywio'radeiladwedi'iddatblyguganProMo CymrugydachefnogaethCyngorBwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent a'rgymunedleol. Mae cyllidCynllunTrosglwyddoAsedauCymunedol y LoteriFawrwedicaniatui EVI gadw'rdrysau'nagoredfelcanolfancymunedol a diwylliannol.
RheolwrCanolfan EVI
Manylion y swydd:
Rydymynchwilio am unigolynangerddol a deinamigiarwaincanolfanfywiog EVI. FelRheolwrCanolfan, byddechynchwaraerhanganologynlluniodyfodoleincymuned. Byddechyngoruchwyliogweithrediadau'rganolfan o ddyddiddydd, gansicrhauamgylchedd o groeso a chynhwysolibawb.
* Datblygu a gweithreducynlluniaustrategoligyflawninodau ac amcanion y Ganolfan
* GweithioiwerthoeddProMo Cymru
* Creu a chynnalperthnasoeddcryfgydaphartneriaid, tenantiaid a rhanddeiliaidlleol
* Creu a throsglwyddorhaglenni a digwyddiadaudiddorolsyddyn addas argyferdiddordebau ac anghenionamrywiol
* Bodynsensitifianghenion y gymunedleol a gwasanaethaupresennol, cynorthwyogydadatblygiadllawn y Ganolfan
Masnachol a Marchnata:
* Gweithiogydathm EVI iddatblygustrategaethfasnachol a marchnataargyfer y Ganolfan
* Hyrwyddoproffilpersonol a phroffesiynolcadarnhaol o fewncymuned Blaenau Gwent
* Goruchwyliocyllideb y Ganolfan, gansicrhaucynaliadwyedd ac atebolrwyddariannol
* Mwyhaucyfleoeddrefeniw a rheoligwariant o fewncyfyngiadau'rgyllideb.
* Adnabod, gosod, a chyflawnicyfleoeddariannunewyddar y cyd ag UwchReolwrDatblyguProMo Cymru
* Cydgysylltu'rRheolwrCyllidigynhyrchuadroddiadau a sicrhaucydymffurfiaeth chynlluniaugweithredol a busnes
* Arwain ac ysbrydolitmymroddedig, ganfeithrinamgylcheddgwaithpositif a chynhyrchiol
* Cadw at hollbolisau a gweithdrefnau'rcwmni o fewnamserdiffiniedig
* CefnogigrwpcyfansoddiadolPantriCymunedol EVI iddatblygu'rgwasanaethymhellach a sicrhaucyllid
Iechyd a Diogelwch:
* Sicrhau y cedwir at bolisau Iechyd a Diogelwch a Diogelwch Tn EVI a 44 Church Street
* Cynnalcyfleusterau'rGanolfan asicrhaueubodynddiogel,gln achroesawusibawb
Sgiliau a PhrofiadGofynnol:
* Profiadprofedigmewndatblygiadcymunedol, rheoliprosiect, ac arwaintm
* Sgiliaurhyngbersonol a chyfathrebucryf
* Sgiliautrefnu a rheoliamserardderchog
* Craffterariannol a phrofiad o reolicyllidebau
* Yn frwddrosymgysylltiadcymunedol a mentraudiwylliannol
* Y galluiweithio'nannibynnol ac felrhan o dm
Post:Ebbw Vale Institute (EVI) Centre Manager
Salary:Starting Salary £37,000 pa. Scale D4.
Annual increments apply rising upto £43,000
Hours and Location:35 hours per week at Ebbw Vale Institute
Holiday Entitlement:25 daysplus public holidays(after 2 years rising to 27 days and on completion of 5 years to 30days)
Length of Contract:Permanent Position Subject to funding
Responsible to :Deputy Chief Executive
* Pension scheme up to 6% employer contribution
* Paid Sick Leave
* Cycle to work Scheme
* Employee Assistance Program
* Monthly I.T. contribution
* Yearly meeting allowance
Probationary Period:6 months
ProMoCymru Vision:Creative Change for Social Good
EVIMission:To work with local communities and beyond to create a centre of excellence to be proud of in which people can participate in, learn, create and be entertained; in keeping with the original ethos of the Ebbw Vale Institute.
EVI Ebbw Vale Institute is a building full of story and culture. Founded in 1849 to promote cultural exchange in the neighbourhood, it was vacant for several years before undergoing extensive refurbishment. It is now a vibrant community and cultural centre for Blaenau Gwent and surrounding areas.
EVI is home to a variety of organisations including Communities for Work Plus, Blaenau Gwent Youth Services, Gwent N-Gage, Cyfannol Womens Aid and ACT Training (based in our second building, 44 Church Street).
The regeneration of the building has been developed by ProMoCymru with support from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council and the local community. Funding provided by the Big Lottery Community Asset Transfer Scheme has enabled EVI to keep its doors open as a community and cultural centre.
EVI Centre Manager
About the Role:
We are seeking a passionate and dynamic individual to lead our vibrant EVI Centre. As our Centre Manager, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our community. You will oversee the day-to-day operations of the centre, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
Key Responsibilities:
Strategic Leadership:
* Develop and implement strategic plans to achieve the Centre's goals and objectives.
* Work within the values of ProMoCymru.
Community Engagement:
* Build and maintain strong relationships with local partners, tenants, and stakeholders.
* Create and deliver engaging programs and events that cater to diverse interests and needs.
* Be sensitive to local community needs and existing services, assisting in the full development of the Centre.
Commercial and Marketing:
* Work with the EVI team to develop the commercial and marketing strategy for the centre.
* Promote a positive personal and professional profile within the Blaenau Gwent community.
Financial Management:
* Oversee the Centre's budget, ensuring financial sustainability and accountability.
* Maximize revenue opportunities and control expenditure within budget limits.
* Identify, apply, and achieve new funding opportunities in conjunction with Promo Cymru's Senior Development Manager.
* Liaise with the Finance Manager to produce reports and ensure compliance with operational and business plans.
Operational Management:
* Lead and motivate a dedicated team, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
* Adhere to all company policies and procedures within defined timescales.
* Support the EVI Community Pantry constituted group to further develop the service and secure funding.
Health and Safety:
* Ensure adherence to the Health & Safety Policy and Fire Safety Policy for EVI and 44 Church Street.
* Maintain the Centre's facilities to ensure they are safe, clean, and welcoming for all.
Required Skills and Experience:
* Proven experience in community development, project management, and team leadership.
* Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
* Excellent organisational and time management skills.
* Financial acumen and experience in budget management.
* Passion for community engagement and cultural initiatives.
* Ability to work independently and as part of a team.