I'm looking for a fun, friendly assistant who is willing to learn and has a positive attitude, to join me in opening my new childmidning business. it's called littlefigs and the children will be doing lots of hands on learning in a stimulating environment. i've been a montessori teacher and nursery teacher for many years so you will get a lot of support from me. we will be outside lots as i've got a large garden and garden room but my whole home will be used. i will need someone who has previous expertise working with toddlers as the children that are all starting are from 12months to 18months. it will be exciting to see them grow over the years from such a young age. ideal candidate will have an enhanced dbs and have very good english. i'm open mon - thurs 8am - 6pm and it would be starting on tues and thurs, building to four days quite quickly as the demand is high and spaces are filling up