Title: Registered Manager (CQC & Ofsted)
Reporting to: Nominated Individual
Shift Type: Full time 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday
Salary:between £38,000 - £45,000 per annum (depending on qualifications and experience)
We provide therapeutic support services that are holistic and focused on delivering positive outcomes for you people. At Pola Well Care we specialize in supporting the transition of 16-18 years of age to adult supported living. We are seeking to employ a caring, motivated and experienced Manager. The appropriate person will be a Registered Manager for CQC as well as being a Registered Service Manager for Ofsted as the service is dual registered with CQC and Ofsted. Pola Well Care Ltd provides creative support for older children & adults that require support with mental health, complex needs and learning disabilities.
1. As an Ofsted RegisteredManageryou will lead in registering the service with Ofsted and support the mangers of the service in the development and management of the 16 -18+ services, as required in line with Ofsted & CQC standards.
2. You will lead, oversee and assist the service managers in implementing the companys vision, including the systems, staf...