The Branch Treasurer role is vital to the running of the branch as they look after all the finances. Without these roles, we would not have as many branches as we do.
What you will be doing:
* Monitoring the bank account with the Branch Chair
* Complying with all financial procedures
* Maintaining accurate records of money coming in (income) and money going out (expenditure)
If you are interested in helping by volunteering, or if you are a group/organisation looking for help, please contact us.
Contact Information
Phone: 0141 226 3431 (Mon-Thurs 9.30-4.30; Fri 9.00-3.00; or leave a message 24/7)
Drop-in Information
Drop in to see us (every Wednesday, 11.00am - 1.00pm), at:
* Skills Development Scotland, Monteith House, 11 George Square, Glasgow G2 1DY.