Provide effective leadership to specific clinical and non-clinical teams and individuals. Provide and receive complex, sensitive and contentious information where a wide range of skills including persuasion, motivation, negotiation, empathy and reassurance are required e.g. cost improvement plan requiring redeployment of staff, modernising services, implementing change, disciplinary and capability procedures. Support the establishment of a clear vision for these specific work areas with senior colleagues to create a working environment that empowers staff to achieve optimal performance Support Divisional Service Teams with surgical resource management and allocation such as Theatre Occupancy, scheduling and session management, staffing allocations, procuring equipment and consumables, organising resources to ensure the Trust achievement of national access targets including 18-week RTT, emergency care targets and cancer targets. Support on the production of the monthly divisional performance report for business meeting. Contribute to the wider management of the division and of the trust on specific projects as and when appropriate. Ensure that there is widespread implementation of robust human resource (HR) practices, in line with the trusts HR strategy and trust policies. Participate in the development and resourcing of the workforce and role development in line with service need and local and national trends. Monitor effective staff communication and involvement ensuring staff have the opportunity to be involved in and influence the planning and development of services. To lead on division wide work streams such as demand and capacity planning and inpatient length of stay reduction and Theatre Efficiency and Utilisation.