The purpose of the Family Group Conference Coordinator is to bring families together to participate in a decision-making and planning process that enables families to find their own solutions and contingency plans to meet the needs of their children based on information regarding concerns and available services and resources from statutory and voluntary agencies. The aim is to increase the safety and wellbeing of children, enabling them to be best supported by their families and remain with their families wherever possible.
Family Group Conferences will be utilized for all children where there are safeguarding risks and who are either subject to child protection planning or pre-proceedings. Therefore, strong coordination with existing plans and an understanding of risk needs to be well understood.
The service ensures that young people and families are appropriately supported to understand the worries of professionals and are empowered to utilize their knowledge, skills, and resources to make safe plans for the children in their families.
This post will use the Family Group Conference (FGC) Model to engage with families and facilitate FGC through a Restorative approach, in which the family will develop plans to secure desired outcomes to improve and safeguard their child(ren).