The successful candidate will be responsible to the Service Line Director and the Medical Director of the Trust and will be expected to maintain and improve Patients Charter standards where appropriate. The post holder is required to work flexibly to ensure that service requirements are provided and to ensure that both the Service aims and objectives are met. The job plan will be a 10 PA contract which will include dedicated SPA time. There is potential for the post to increase to 12 PAs with optional DC sessions. An indicative timetable and Job Plan is outlined below. The final Job Plan for the post will be agreed with the Service Line or Care Group Director upon appointment and will be subject to annual review in line with the Trusts Job Planning Programme. The post is advertised with 1.5 Generic SPA. The department will support additional SPA and Medical School activity in the Job Plan according to the needs of the Service. We would expect the Average full time Consultant to have 2 SPAs in their Job Plan. There is a 1 in 11.5 Trauma Rota. The working pattern is a 24-hour shift on Monday to Thursday and weekend cover is from Friday 0800 hours until Monday 0800 hours with the following in hours commitments. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays additional cover is put in place for Trauma in the afternoon to facilitate paediatric trauma, where possible. Care of post operative patient out of hours is the responsibility of the on-call consultant, supported by the on-call registrar and SHO working a full shift- For an indication of the intended work programmes/job plans see below. On-call timetable