Job Description: Account Manager/Graphic Designer in the Printing Industry Company Description BelfastPrintOnlineisabudget-focusedonlinebusinessspecialisinginpremiumquality design, promotional items, and printing services in Northern Ireland and the UK. Our online model allows us to offer competitive pricing, resulting in cost savings that are passed on to our customers. With expert customer service and a wide range of customizable merchandise and printing products, BPO distinguishes itself from the competition. Role Description We are seeking a full-time Account Manager/Graphic Designer at Belfast Print Online working from our office in Dunmurry. Responsibilities include managing customer accounts, creating graphic designs for promotional items and printing needs, and overseeing the entire printing process from consultation and quoting to delivery. The role also involves sourcing bespoke solutions for merchandise and printing methods. Must be willing to do adhoc jobs, ie deliveries, working machinery if required etc. Desirable Criteria Stronggraphicdesignskills Provenaccountmanagementabilities Capabilitytobuildstrongrelationshipstodriverepeatbusinessandmaintainclient satisfaction Experienceinsourcingbespokesolutionsformerchandiseandprintingmethods In-depthknowledgeofprint processesfromconsultationto delivery Excellentcommunicationandproblem-solvingskills Proficiencyindesignsoftware,suchasAdobeCreativeSuite Abilitytoworkindependently Collaborativeapproachwithsuppliersinprepress,production,andlogisticstoensure smooth operations Excellenttelephonemanner Essential Criteria Priorexperiencein theprinting ordesign industryis essential BachelorsdegreeinGraphicDesign,Marketing,Businessorarelatedfield FullUKdrivinglicense Salary:£25,000 - £30,000 CVs to be submitted by clicking Apply below Closing date for application 24th of March Interviews will be carried out on the 1st of April