Summary of Remedi - Restorative Services
Remedi is an award-winning charity that provides a range of restorative justice services to adult and young offenders and the victims of their crimes. We also work in schools and provide training to a variety of criminal justice agencies in managing restorative justice initiatives. Our current income is very nearly £8 million and we have offices all over the midlands and north of England. Remedi is a company limited by guarantee and its members are the trustees.
Remedi’s Board of Trustees is responsible for the management of the affairs of the charity. It conducts its business through properly regulated meetings and follows agreed processes and procedures. It demonstrates its accountability through the publication of appropriate reports to the members and funders, and where appropriate, regulatory bodies, in addition to reporting at the annual general meeting. This trustee role would suit a person retired or nearing retirement who would like to give something back to a cause or community or a younger person eager to add the experience of being treasurer to a middle-sized charity that is continuing to expand its work and influence. The current treasurer is retiring having held the post for many years.
Main duties of a charity trustee are as follows:
* Ensuring that the organisation pursues its stated objects (purposes), as defined in its governing document, by helping the Board to develop and agree a long-term strategy.
* Ensuring that the organisation complies with its governing document (ie its memorandum and articles of association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
* Ensuring that the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects (ie the charity must not spend money on activities that are not included in its own objects, however worthwhile or charitable those activities are) for the benefit of the public.
* Ensuring that the organisation defines its goals and evaluates performance against agreed targets.
* Safeguarding the good name and values of the organisation.
* Ensuring the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, including having appropriate policies and procedures in place.
* Ensuring the financial stability of the organisation.
* Protecting and managing the property of the charity and ensuring the proper investment of the charity’s funds.
* Following proper and formal arrangements for the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal and remuneration of the chief executive and senior management team.
* Using any specific skills, knowledge or experience to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions.
Main duties of the Treasurer
The overall role of a Treasurer is to maintain an overview of the organisation’s affairs, ensure its financial viability and ensure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained. This includes being accountable to the Chair and the other Trustees and being open to investigation, discussion and resolution. In addition to the general responsibilities of a trustee, duties of the treasurer include the following:
* Overseeing and approving budgets, accounts and financial statements.
* Ensuring that the financial resources of the organisation meet its present and future needs.
* Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate reserves policy.
* Assisting with the preparation of financial reports to the board.
* Ensuring that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place.
* Liaising with the Director, the Chief Finance Officer and the Board about financial matters.
* Advising on the financial implications of the organisation’s strategic plans.
* Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate investment policy that does not conflict with the charity’s objects, and is consistent with its policies and legal responsibilities.
* Ensuring that the accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required by funders and the relevant statutory bodies, for example the Charity Commission and the Registrar of Companies.
* Ensuring that the accounts are audited annually and any recommendations are implemented.
* Keeping the board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities.
* Contributing to the fundraising strategy of the organisation.
* Making a formal presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting and drawing attention to important points in a coherent and easily understandable way.
* Sitting on appraisal, recruitment and disciplinary panels as required.
Responsibilities to the Chair
* To assist the Chair in providing leadership and direction to the board of Trustees and enabling the Board to fulfil their responsibilities for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation.
* To understand the current pace of change in the charity sector and operating governance structures that enable agile approaches and timely decision making.
* To ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing document, charity law, company law and other relevant legislation/regulations.
* To work in partnership with the Chair/Director/Senior Management Team to support the staff, helping them achieve the aims of the organisation and to optimise the relationship between the board of Trustees and the staff.
* To assist the Chair in facilitating the board of trustees in stimulating excellent, well-rounded and carefully considered strategic decision-making.
* To engage with the board of trustees in activities and in the promotion of the organisation.
Person specification
In addition to the person specification for a trustee, the treasurer should have the following qualities:
* Fully qualified chartered or certified accountant.
* Some experience of charity finance, fundraising and pension schemes.
* The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences.
* Being prepared to challenge and make unpopular recommendations to the board.
* A willingness to be available to staff for advice and enquiries on an ad hoc basis.
* Good communication and people management skills.
Time Commitment
The treasurer commits to regular attendance at Board meetings which are held 6 times a year online via Teams. You will also need to attend the head office in Sheffield 4 times a year with the finance team to review and sign off on the bank statements and bank reconciliations, as required by our auditors.
With other trustees, the treasurer is also required to:
* Attend the annual event in November where we showcase the charity’s work to staff, volunteers and funders and present the staff awards.
* Participate in appointment panels, committees and/or occasional working groups dealing with specific aspects of the charity’s management and development.
* [Optional] Attend and participate in opportunities for training - e.g. as a mediator.
All Trustees are entitled to claim reasonable travel and subsistence expenses in carrying out their duties as outlined in the Expenses Policy. This includes travel to and from meetings and food/refreshments at evening or weekend events. Any Trustee or connected person cannot be employed or receive payment from the charity or any other financial benefit.
Please email Dr Beverly Cross - the current treasurer via the form below with your CV and a statement of why you are interested in this post in particular. If you have had any experience of restorative justice, we would be grateful for details of this. We will require a DBS check to be done on you if you are appointed.