Clinical duties Attend Head & Neck clinics to meet patients and their relatives; providing information about treatment, being fully conversant with treatment protocols. Undertake a holistic assessment of patient needs referring appropriately to services in the acute and community setting. To communicate effectively and support / counsel patients and relatives prior to, during and after treatment, acting as a point of contact. Participate in and/or advise on the management of patients with altered airways and act as a first or second (initially dependent on training and experience) responder if problems with these patients arise. Clinical assessment of patients on anti-cancer treatments in planned nurse-led clinics as well as unplanned telephone contacts. Undertaking non-medical prescribing (within the limits of your competence) to manage treatment toxicity and symptoms. Undertake IRMER training and develop skills in chest x-ray / image ordering as appropriate. Ensure accurate and timely documentation of patient care on the electronic patient record in accordance with hospital policies and NMC standards. Act as a specialist contact for ward staff for inpatients, providing advice and support to the patient and family. Attend MDT and radiology meetings as appropriate and contribute to discussions about individual patients. Attend other professional and clinical meetings as appropriate. Have an awareness of current clinical trials and liaise with the Research Team regarding eligibility. Leadership and Management Provide specialist, expert clinical knowledge to colleagues, patients and carers both within and outside the organisation. Carry out line management of more junior staff (Clinical Nurse Specialist). This will be following discussion with the postholder and their ow Evaluate service delivery; identify areas for improvement to promote excellence in patient care and initiate change. Involve patients, patient representatives and the public in service development as appropriate. Provide written evidence of service development and performance. Engage in the work carried out by GM Cancer Alliance and build effective, professional relationships across Acute and Community settings. Provide and receive clinical supervision and mentorship to facilitate reflective practice. Attend and participate in the CNS and Chief Nurse Forum Education and Development Participate in annual appraisal and accept personal responsibility for professional growth and development. Maintain a professional portfolio for the purpose of Revalidation. Provide specialist education and training as required to all relevant health professionals regarding the care of patients with altered airways (tracheostomy and laryngectomy) Ensure compliance with Trust essential training. Identify training needs of colleagues and develop educational programmes in collaboration with nursing colleagues e.g., ward teaching, dissemination of best practice through presentation at conferences and study days. Provide specialist input on relevant post registration courses. Use relevant educational opportunities, including attending national and international conferences, to ensure provision of the highest standards of evidence-based patient care. Provide written and verbal feedback to colleagues. Together with other professional colleagues develop information and resource packs for patients and their carers. Research and Audit Ensure that clinical practice is evidence based best practice and disseminate information to staff. Identify opportunities for nursing research and to participate in clinical audit to improve effectiveness of patient care. Evaluate service delivery; identify areas for improvement and initiate change. Professional Accountable for own actions in accordance with NMC Code of Professional Conduct. Will contribute towards corporate objectives, acting within local, The Christie Trust and statutory guidelines and policies at all times. Maintain responsibility for professional registration and practice through continuing personal development. Maintain appropriate competencies. Maintain personal standards of conduct and behaviour consistent with Trust values and regulations set within the relevant professional bodies thus acting as a role model presenting a professional image at all times Liaise and collaborate with relevant organisations such as pharmaceuticalindustry and its partners.Be aware of the policies, procedures and philosophies of the Trust, understanding health and safety requirements and ensure that all duties and responsibilities are carried out within these guidelines. Raise quality issues and report related risks within the trust to address poor standards and incidents. Support equality and value diversity