CORE ELEMENTS: To act as a representative for clinical education at local and regional level ensuring that national quality standards are met within practice placements to provide all students an experience of the highest quality. Able to identify trends in work-based learning and working in partnership with supervisors, assessors, and managers to ensure the learning needs of students are met in the workplace. Able to ensure sure that learning opportunities are maximised in the clinical placement environment for all learners by evaluating training and development programmes and implementing changes because of evidence gathered. Able to identify and promote opportunities for partnership working across a range of professional groups and agencies. To maintain a robust database of ULEs of all clinical placements as well as up to date records of all Pennine Lancashire supervisors and assessors. Work with the Training Hub Lead and Operations Manager to influence educators and managers to continue to offer placements, balancing the need for increasing clinical placements while ensuring consistency in the quality of placements. QUALITY ASSURANCE: With support from the Training Hub Lead and Operations Manager, take the lead in ULEs / desktop reviews, quality assurance monitoring/audits of clinical education in practice within primary care and in accordance with quality assurance standards in partnership with education providers. Assess the quality of learning environments against quality assurance standards, suggesting improvement measures to enhance learner experience. Maintain records and ensure all educators, assessors and supervisors are trained and up to date in accordance with the relevant regulatory body standards in relation to supporting and educating learners in practice. Provide best practice advice in a clinical setting for supervisors and staff in relation to clinical education. Constantly seek to improve the quality of clinical education using evidence-based practice, liaising with professional colleagues, reviewing literature, and evaluating learner feedback. Participate in evaluation methods to assess the impact of clinical education practice on patient care, where necessary. Support both learners and educators/mentors/supervisor/assessors with risk assessment to ensure health and safety within the practice Work in partnership with the educational institutes in the planning, delivery, and development of programmes across primary care. STUDENT SUPPORT: Ensure high quality learning experiences are provided for all learners within primary care. Visit students within their placement supporting them with their education and assessments as well as ensuring no learning opportunity is missed. Support the quality of Clinical Placement Learning Environments by ensuring all placement providers have up to date ILOs and understand the requirements of the learners whilst on placement. Ensure all learners are provided with a strategic and local induction at commencement of placement. Where necessary, work alongside clinical educators, assessors, and supervisors in practice to support student development. Support educators, assessors and supervisors in complex decisions relating to the learner experience including the achievement of learning outcomes, competence, and fitness for practice. ALLOCATIONS AND CAPACITY: Facilitate the development of our portfolio of clinical practice educators, assessors, and supervisors, providing support structures to build capacity, capability, consistency and efficiency. With support from the Training Hub Lead and Operations Manager, identify and develop new clinical placement capacity for our leaners across our area by networking with clinical teams and managers to explore all possible learning opportunities. Support the Training Hub to map annual allocation of all learner placement plans for each HEI to enable long term capacity planning. Balance the need for increasing the availability of practice placements while ensuring a consistency in the quality of placements. Influence practice management, educators, supervisors, and assessor to continue to offer placements in times of great demands on clinicians and services and encouraging them to overcome barriers such as lack of funding, time, and space for student placements. Identify further learning experiences that will enhance learning opportunities COMMUNICATION: Communicate educational and practice information across placement providers and education institutions and undertake presentations relating to education in practice where necessary. Network locally, regionally, and nationally with peer group to support the sharing of best practice. Ensure communication channels are used appropriately to facilitate the flow of information between internal and external partners. Ensure confidentiality for all stakeholders is always adhered to. OTHER: Ensure that equality and diversity issues are recognised, addressed in accordance with legislation, policies, and procedures. Understand the clinical, educational bodies and regulations associated with Health and Social Care professionals working within primary care. Flexibility to adapt the role as required due to the evolving nature and growth of the Pennine Lancashire and Lancashire & South Cumbria Training Hubs. Awareness and understanding of apprenticeship offers and educational requirements.