Key Accountabilities:
* Management of the THH general ledger, to ensure accuracy and completeness.
* To lead on developing and improving systems, both financial and nonfinancial.
* To effectively work with managers of the larger and more complex services to understand their business functions and the key financial risks.
* To support the budget managers in monitoring the more complex budgets and projecting the year end position, including the delegated income budgets.
* To deliver accurate, consistent, monthly reporting of THH company expenditure and delegated income within agreed timescales. Challenge and influence monthly forecasts. Link financial information with operational information and outcomes.
* To assist in the annual budget setting process by liaising with budget managers and costing of any complex savings or growth proposals.
* To consolidate the Company budget and provide key financial and nonfinancial information to the Finance Manager or Head of Finance.
* To undertake the closing of accounts process for Company budgets and delegated income budgets, including ensuring the preparation of good quality working papers and supporting documentation.
* To approve authority to recruit forms to ensure there is adequate budgetary provision and draft financial comments accordingly.
* To link budget setting with the 30 year business plan and the LBTH savings requirements.
* To embed monthly profiling within budget reporting.
* To support across the finance team as directed by the Finance Manager.
* To Effectively manage and develop the Assistant Accountant and Trainee Accountant.
* To write complex analytical reports for Divisional Management Teams, EMT, Finance and Audit Committee and the Board and present those reports and take questions on the content.
* To present complex reports to EMT and the Board and to answer questions and respond to challenges on the content.
* To deputise for the Finance Manager