Job Summary
We are inviting applicants to join our busy but welcoming neonatal service as a Trust Doctor, based at the Leeds General Infirmary and St James University Hospital in West Yorkshire. This role is suitable for applicants at ST4+ / Registrar (middle grade level) with experience in neonatology. It is ideally suited to candidates wishing to work in a large teaching hospital which provides many specialist services and is ideal for anyone wishing to pursue a career in neonates. The posts are available for an initial fixed term of six months and have been created to cover vacancies in specialty training rotas.
The post holder will participate in a rolling full shift rota at Tier 2 and be involved in covering all aspects of inpatient care including long day ward cover and night shifts. This will involve delivering care to babies in the intensive care, high dependency and special care areas. In addition, there will be opportunities to take part in departmental audit and governance projects.
Consideration will be given to applicants who wish to work full or part time and those wishing to job share. Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit the hospital, which can be arranged by contacting:
Dr Alexandra Fonfe Consultant in Neonatal Medicine
Dr Amy Young Consultant in Neonatal Medicine
Main duties of the job
Successful candidates will participate in a rolling full shift rota at Tier 2 and be involved in covering all aspects of inpatient care including long day ward cover and night shifts. This will involve delivering care to babies in the intensive care, high dependency and special care areas. In addition, there will be opportunities to take part in departmental audit and governance projects.
* To assist in delivering the induction and training programme for junior doctors.
* To provide outpatient follow up clinics at LGI.
* To liaise with the neonatal outreach team and child development centre to provide planned discharge and follow up of neonatal graduates.
* Depending on any subspecialty area of interest, it may be possible to extend the remit of the post.
About Us
The Leeds Regional Neonatal Service comprises one level 3 unit (NICU) at LGI and a level 1 unit (SCBU) at SJUH, each with a transitional care unit and attached to a busy delivery suite. The neonatal service is one of the busiest in the country with 1700 admissions per year, providing 4000 intensive care days and a further 4000 high dependency care days per year. There are approximately 10,000 deliveries across the two sites.
We care for babies of all gestations from 22 weeks and upwards with a range of medical, surgical and cardiac pathologies. Leeds is a regional unit for babies with complex surgical, neurosurgical, renal and hepatic problems, and is a supra-regional unit for babies with congenital heart disease.
Pay scheme
Salary: £70,425 a year +OOH
Contract: Fixed term
Duration: 6 months
Working pattern: Full-time
Job Description
Job responsibilities
The post holder will participate in the middle grade on call rota equivalent to ST4+ (middle grade).
The Trust, as a Teaching hospital, recognises the importance of links with the University of Leeds School of Medicine for the undergraduate teaching. All medical staff are expected to provide an appropriate contribution to the undergraduate teaching programme. The precise details of the contribution to teaching will be discussed with the appointee after taking up post.
This post is covered by the Hospital Medical and Dental Staff (England and Wales) Terms and Conditions of Service. These documents are available on the Medical Staffing Intranet site.
The post holder is required to be fully registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) and hold a licence to practice.
Person Specification
Clinical, Academic, And Personal Skills Essential
* Ability to prioritise clinical need
* Ability to maximise safety and minimise risk
* Evidence of competency in Neonatal practical procedures including intubation and central line insertion
Experience Essential
* At least 5 years experience after full GMC registration or equivalent, and evidence of achievement of foundation competences, in line with GMC standards / Good Medical Practice
Qualifications Essential
* MBBS or equivalent medical qualification
* MRCPCH or equivalent qualification
Eligibility, Fitness to practice, and Language Skills Essential
* Be eligible for full registration with, and hold a current licence to practise from, the GMC at intended start date Eligibility to work in the UK.
* Newborn Life Support Certificate from the Resuscitation Council UK or equivalent (as required to complete Foundation competences) by intended start date
* All applicants to have demonstrable skills in written and spoken English adequate to enable effective communication about medical topics with patients and colleagues