Beths Grammar School is a large multi-cultural school on the borders between London and Kent serving a wide range of vibrant and exciting communities. We specialise in boys' education in the main school and have a large, co-educational 6th form.
The DT department currently consists of six teachers and two technicians. At Key Stage 4, we currently offer GCSEs in Design and Technology, Engineering and Electronics. At Key Sage 5, we offer A levels in Product Design and Electronics. In Year 12 Projects leading up to the NEA task increase in length and complexity as we progressively remove any scaffolding, preparing students to tackle the challenging student-led NEA project with confidence, focus and strategy.
At Key Stage 3, students have rotations of Electronics and Product Design, CAD and CAM, Engineering and Food Technology.
The department is amazing well equipped with Design and Technology workshops, an Electronics Lab and CAD/CAM suite including caser cutters and 3D printers. This summer we have a brand new, state of the art Food Technology room opening. We aim to deliver Food Technology beyond Key Stage 3.
We also run an extensive range of extra-curricular activities including STEM, Aerospace Club and Robotics.
The team has a huge range of experience and members of the department provide CPD to colleagues.
Design and Technology staff aim to stretch and challenge students at every opportunity. The KS3 curriculum aims to develop a strong foundation of knowledge that equips students with the skills and knowledge to complete challenging design projects later in the subject. The curriculum is led by the NC framework and the language of design, make, evaluate and technical knowledge is used strategically in mapping our curriculum. Our passion is to develop students' design skills by encouraging them to be inquisitive, courageous and empathetic in their design. Challenging accepted norms, being critical and innovative.
We are seeking to appoint an exceptional Teacher of Design Technology, who is able to teach across all disciplines at KS3, as well as contributing to programmes at GCSE and A level. This is an exciting time to join a large, experienced and exceptionally well-resourced Design Technology department for September 2025. This post would suit an Experienced or Early Careers Teacher.