Industrial electricians required for approximately 3 months work.
Some works are on the surface; however, some works are underground on Cubby Inset Installation Works (-735m), so any electricians need to be fully aware that they could be expected to work in the mine underground.
Rotation: 10 on 4 off (Tuesday - Thursday 10 days later, 4 days off being Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday). However, when working on the Cubby underground, they would be expected to work the shifts to cover the duration (currently planned 21 shifts).
Working Hours: 11.5 hrs a day, 3 paid breaks.
Benefits: Free lunch provided.
Access: Access to site is via coach; there are park and rides at Whitby, Guisborough & Scarborough.
The scope of works include:
1. Cable containment installation (Ladder Rack / Cable tray).
2. Cable installation (Power / Instrument).
3. Glanding, terminating, testing.
The rate for mileage is £0.22 per mile. Anyone that lives within a 25-mile radius of the site will receive mileage from the distance of their home to the site. Max 40-mile allowance or distance from home to site, whichever is the lesser.
Electrician Rates:
Basic: £22.90
OT 1: £27.94
OT 2: £36.66