To supervise the day-to-day nursing activities of the facility in accordance with current federal, state and local standards governing the facility, and as may be directed by the Director of Nursing Services or Assistant Director of Nursing Services, to ensure that the highest degree of quality care is maintained at all times.
Administrative Functions
1. Direct the day-to-day functions of nursing activities.
2. Participate in developing, maintaining and updating written nursing policies, procedures, manuals, objectives and philosophies.
3. Complete and maintain medical forms, reports, evaluations, studies, charts, etc.
4. Admit, transfer and discharge residents as required.
5. Ensure that nursing services personnel are giving proper resident care and performing their duties in accordance with written policies, procedures and manuals.
6. Participate in implementing and maintaining a quality assurance program.
7. Periodically review and participate in updating resident discharge plans.
8. Participate in surveys and inspections by government agencies.
9. Interpret the department’s policies and procedures to personnel, residents, families, visitors and government agencies as necessary.
10. Make reports and recommendations to the Director of Nursing Services concerning operations of the department.
11. Implement recommendations received from administration, other departments and/or committees as directed.
Nursing Care Functions
1. Inform personnel of new admissions, ensure that rooms are ready, greet new admissions and escort to rooms.
2. Provide written and oral reports to the Director of Nursing concerning status of residents, problem areas, etc.
3. Monitor and check foods brought into the facility by families and visitors to ensure that it is within the resident’s dietary allowances.
4. Make periodic reviews of nurses’ notes and charts and visit daily with residents to observe and evaluate their physical and emotional status.
5. Monitor treatment to ensure residents are receiving proper care.
6. Ensure proper use of restraints when necessary, in accordance with facility policies and procedures.
7. Ensure cleanliness and safety of all nursing service treatment areas.
8. Make rounds with physicians as necessary and ensure proper recordkeeping.
9. Consult with physicians in providing care, treatment, diagnostic and therapeutic services, and notify physicians of resident accidents, incidents and changes in condition.
10. Meet with residents and families and report problem areas.
11. Administer professional services and provide direct nursing care as necessary.
12. Assist in arranging transportation for discharged residents.
13. Inform family members of the death of a resident and call funeral homes when requested.
Drug Administration Functions
1. Prepare and administer medications as ordered by the physician.
2. Review medication cards for completeness, accuracy and adherence, and notify physicians of stop orders prior to the last dosage being administered.
3. Verify resident identities to ensure prescribed medications are administered to the proper residents.
4. Ensure that narcotic records are accurate and notify the Director of Nursing of all drug and narcotic discrepancies noted on the shift.
5. Ensure proper disposal of drugs and narcotics.
6. Order prescribed medications, supplies and equipment as necessary.
7. Ensure that adequate levels of medications, supplies and equipment are available at all times, reporting needs to the Director of Nursing.
Charting and Documentation Functions
1. Sign, date and perform all routine charting and recordkeeping in accordance with established policies and procedures.
2. Complete and chart all accidents and incidents involving residents and submit to the Director of Nursing as required.
3. Encourage physicians to review treatment plans and to record and sign orders, progress notes, etc.
4. Properly record telephone orders from physicians and transfer all physician orders to resident charts, medication cards, treatment and care plans, etc.
5. Record now and/or change diet orders and forward to the Dietary Department.
6. Report all discrepancies noted concerning physicians’ orders, diet changes, charting errors, etc. to the Director of Nursing Services.
7. Complete transfer and discharge forms and ensure that proper documentation is recorded.
8. Complete and file all required forms, records, and charts upon resident admissions, transfers and/or discharges.
Personnel Functions
1. Assist in recruiting, interviewing, hiring, counseling, evaluating, disciplining and terminating nursing services personnel.
2. Document and coordinate personnel actions with the Personnel Manager or Administrator.
3. Schedule department work hours, including vacation and holiday schedules, shift and work assignments, etc. to ensure adequate staffing.
4. Delegate administrative authority, responsibility and accountability to nursing services supervisory personnel as deemed necessary.
5. Ensure that all nursing services personnel have valid and current licenses and are performing duties in accordance with acceptable nursing standards.
6. Review personnel complaints and grievances and ensure that all personnel are treated consistent with policies and applicable laws.
Staff Development Functions
1. Develop work assignments.
2. Participate in reviewing and evaluating the department’s staffing requirements, employee performance evaluations and employee absenteeism.
3. Make recommendations to administration as necessary to ensure adequate staffing.
4. Make daily rounds and report findings to the Director of Nursing.
5. Meet with nursing personnel regularly to identify and correct problem areas and to improve nursing services.
Residents’ Rights Function
1. Maintain resident confidentiality and privacy.
2. Treat residents with kindness, dignity and respect.
3. Know and comply with Residents’ Rights rules.
4. Monitor nursing services to ensure that residents’ rights and needs are met.
5. Review and promptly report to the Administrator and maintain written records of all resident complaints and grievances.
Care Plan and Assessment Functions
1. Assist and participate in developing for each resident a preliminary and comprehensive assessment and written care plan.
2. Encourage residents and their families to participate in the development and review of care plans.
3. Ensure that all nursing services personnel are aware of the care plans.
4. Review nurses’ notes and monitor residents to ensure that the care plans are being followed.
Planning and Inventory Functions
1. Recommend the equipment and supply needs of the Nursing Services Department.
2. Ensure that adequate and cost effective inventory control procedures are followed.
3. Make periodic inspections of medications, supplies and equipment to ensure that adequate levels are maintained.
Safety and Sanitation Functions
1. Monitor nursing personnel to ensure established safety and infection control policies are followed.
2. Participate in developing, implementing and maintaining procedures for reporting hazardous conditions.
3. Ensure cleanliness of nursing service work areas, stations, preparation rooms, treatment areas and resident care rooms.
All Other Duties as Assigned
* Must be a Licensed Practical Nurse in good standing and currently licensed by the State of Alabama or in training to satisfactorily complete the requirements to become a Licensed Practical Nurse.
* Must be at least 18 years of age.
* Completion of secondary education or otherwise show ability to read and write in a legible and understandable manner.
* Must speak and understand English.
* Previous supervisory experience or completion of appropriate training program.
* Positive attitude toward the elderly.