Heading Assisting with the recall process to enable the practice to meet its targets. To ensure administrative and clerical duties within the Practice are carried out within the Practices guidelines and policies. To enable the smooth registration of new patients, including meeting standards To carry out administrative tasks relating to patient records, including scanning, filing, document management and ensuring patients can access reports, prescriptions and that they are easily accessible. Other work as required to meet the needs of the administration team Scanning Duties Sort all incoming patient related mail. Action all electronic hospital correspondence adding correctly into the patients medical record using read codes as agreed by the clinical team. Scan patient related documents onto their medical record using read codes as agreed by the clinical team. Process econsults for pill checks and asthma reviews to support reviews. Add any additional information about the source of the document. Follow codding protocol guides, where suitable code at 1st contact to reduce GP workload. Forward the document to the doctor or nurse who initiated the referral or who is most appropriate to receive the information. Ensure incoming letters are scanned onto the patient record within agreed timescale, achieving set KPI for the team, in a safe manor. Scan all internal paper documents on to the relevant patients record and then store the documents in line with surgery procedures. Processing of all Out of Hours and Electronic Discharge Summary reports and other patient reports received electronically in line with agreed protocols. Liaise with out-of-hours provider Documents include aswell as the above results such as mammograms and diabetic eye screening, coding correctly to support QOF and recalls. Recalls Action Recalls within own area of responsibility covering areas such as, but not exhaustive Child Immunisations, Cytology, shingles, pneumococcal well woman. Book appointments, send reminders and information regarding the above recall appointments. Flagging if no capacity on the system. Ensuring compliance with Cytology Screening programme Action audits for smears and inadequate smears quarterly and annually updating generic spreadsheet and notifying nurses and GPs of the results. Completion of Childhood Immunisation Returns through weekly extractions. Running reports for child immunisations overdue and chasing non-attenders. Coding Code or free text the clinical information on to the patient record. Coding of all incoming letters in line with practice protocol Assist the Business Intelligence team with audits related to QOF and Enhanced services, updating and amending coding as required. Ensure accurate read-coding Deal with queries relating to coding. Summarising Coding and summarising of all new patients clinical records. Ensure recalls for QOF, smears, immunisations, coils ect are added and actioned where suitable. Action GP2GP and summarise in line with the protocol. Gain consent and request medical history for all military veterans before summarising and then summarise in given time scales. All codes to be up to date and snow med compliant to be 100% accurate to support improvement of the practice prevalence and support population health work. Administrative Providing administrative support for the Careers identifying newly registered carers, coding to aid any support needed in the future. Providing administrative support for new and emerging clinics such, but not limited to, MSK. MSK includes managing waiting lists, booking appointments, chasing results and keeping patients informed. Maintaining Shared Care data base including administration of contracts for Shared Care Medicine. Emails The team are responsible for daily monitoring and actioning both of Beacons main emails daily. Action team group emails daily. Follow email process sending on in timely manors to suitable teams or persons. Scan and workflow patient related emails actioning and coding accordingly. Action safeguarding emails as sensitive to the safeguarding admin team, with urgency. Safeguarding Process any documents that come into the practice as sensitive and with urgency. Follow protocol ensuring documents and consultations are hidden using the appropriate function in system one. Coding correctly using snow med codes to identify at risk patients. Updating the safeguarding spreadsheet. Audit safeguarding spreadsheet every quarter. Submitting audited spreadsheet to the safeguarding Gps 2 weeks prior to every quarterly safeguarding meeting. Attend quarterly safeguarding meetings. Action outcomes from safeguarding meetings. Patient Registrations Registrations Responsible for ensuring the registration/ deduction process is completed, liaising with external organisations as necessary such as PCSE. Change status of incoming records, as received, once summarised send to note space. Merging electronic records and actions rejections Chase records not received. Daily processing of the registrations links and summary care records. Processing patients if moved out of the area following practice protocol coding or removing accordingly. Run annual audit for out of area patients following process, Ensure all transfers off registration database are affected as and when applicable Monitor accuracy of registration database as required producing any necessary reports as required. Completion of any Registration audits as required by NHSE or the CCG Coding birth information on mothers record. Coding post natal checks Check coding and submit documentation to child health in a timely manner. Deductions Recall notes from notes space storage. Inline with the practice contract deduction patients and return notes to authorities in set timelines. Order labels and bags for return of records, Print and process deductions, ensuring all the record is printed and legible. Action GP2GP for deduction. Action and deduct any deceased patients inline with the death protocol. INR Pick INR results from pathology and tasks daily. Using INR * process and dose the INR. Follow INR process if in range, notifying GP if out of range. Arrange patient to be informed. Running weekly reports for overdue INRs, actioning and contacting patients. Pathology Matching unmatched pathology reports multiple times throughout the day. Returning unmatched pathology to the labs. Allocating GP pathology to allocated cover. Tasks Action all team tasks In a timely manor where necessary informing patients of information or actioning in records. Updating and sending to all staff GP weekly rota, ensuring its correct. Confidentiality The post holder must maintain confidentiality, security and integrity of information relating to patients, staff and the business. In the performance of the duties outlined in this job description, the postholder may have access to confidential information relating to patients and their carers, practice staff and other healthcare workers. They may also have access to information relating to the practice as a business organisation. All such information from any source is to be regarded as strictly confidential. Personal/Professional Development The postholder will participate in any training programme implemented by the practice as part of this employment, such training to include: Participation in an annual individual performance review, including taking responsibility for maintaining a record of own personal and/or professional development. Taking responsibility for own development, learning and performance and demonstrating skills and activities to others who are undertaking similar work. Communication The postholder should recognize the importance of effective communication within the team and will strive to: Communicate effectively with other team members Communicate effectively with patients and carers Recognize peoples needs for alternative methods of communication and respond accordingly. Quality The postholder will strive to maintain quality within the practice, and will: Alert other team members to issues of quality and risk. Assess own performance and take accountability for own actions, either directly or under supervision. Contribute to the effectiveness of the team by reflecting on own and team activities and making suggestions on ways to improve and enhance the teams performance. Work effectively with individuals in other agencies to meet patients needs. Effectively manage own time, workload and resources. Contribution to the implementation of services: The postholder will: Apply practice policies, standards and guidance. Discuss with other members of the team how the policies, standards and guidelines will affect own work. Participate in audit where appropriate.