PLEASE REFER TO THE ATTAHCED JOB DESCRIPTION FOR FULL DUTIES OF THE ROLE The role will require the post holder to estimate, supervise and manage a wide range of building related Small Works including but not limited to minor new works, non-complex maintenance contracts, defects identified as part of planned/reactive maintenance and minor elements of a wider capital scheme/budget. The post holder will be required to utilise approved contractors and in house staff where applicable and oversee associated activities at properties managed/maintained by CHoICE. Working under the management of an Assistant Estates Officer (Building) with oversight provided by the Estates Officer (Building), the post holder will ensure high standards of safety at all times, including the supervision, management & guidance of qualified building related contractors and in house staff. The Post holder will also play a key role in the delivery and maintenance of Health and Safety elements onsite and will be required upon instruction to arrange work equipment inspections, undertake site inductions, routinely undertake and review suitable task risk assessments, arrange and deliver staff training and arrange and deliver toolbox talks where applicable. Suitable record keeping will be required to ensure content delivery and compliance can be demonstrated where appropriate. Although not typically forming part of the role, the post holder may be required to provide temporary supervisory cover to in house staff in the event of supervisory staff shortages due to sickness/annual leave. Furthermore, although the role will predominantly be based at the Sunderland Royal Hospital site, there may be the requirement to work at other properties managed by CHoICE when the need arises. The role will require participation in the winter measures on call rota.