About this job
The Early Language and Communication Support Worker will lead on widening the deliver of community-based speech, language and communication programmes for children aged 3-4 across the borough of Barking and Dagenham. The programme will be delivered using the Peeple accredited programmes in accordance with their accredited model. Support in nurseries, playgroups and schools will enhance the support offered to children based in these settings. The work will be at a universal level and with children with mild to moderate speech, language and communication need.
Job Purpose
To help develop good practice in working together to improve children's speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), with parents/carers and practitioners across the system
To deliver ‘Peeple’ accredited universal and targeted group activity to parents and carers with children aged 3-4 across the borough
To offer support, modelling, training and challenge to Early Years settings around SLCN and the Home Learning Environment (HLE)
This is a fixed term contract that ends 31 March 2025 due to funding requirements
Special requirements for this post
Enhanced DBS
Level 3 qualification in child development or equivalent qualification or job experience
About you
This project is part of the Start for Life and Family Hub Programme.
We are looking for someone who has experience of working with children in their early years and their families. You need to have knowledge and experience of engaging families in universal services. Ideally with knowledge and experience in speech, language and communication.
You need to build relationships with parents to engage them in activities and encourage retention at the weekly sessions.
You will predominately working face to face with families across the borough so the ability to be based in borough 90% of the time is essential.
About us
Baking and Dagenham has a growing challenge with language delay and we want to provide early intervention to support parents and carers to develop their Home Learning Environment to meet the needs of their children.
We will be using the Peeple evidence based method to role out this programme and staff working on the programme will be given Peep training.
Will work with children aged 0-4 years old across the borough, delivering a cohesive offer of support to parents to support early language and the Home learning Environment (HLE) with a clear focus on supporting education recovery for young children. The programme has three main sections.
1.Face to face services delivered using of the Peeple evidence-based intervention to support families with the HLE.
2.A pilot project to review and develop suitable support for education and social care staff to meet the needs of the children they work with
3.A speech, language and communication communication strategy
This will be delivered through universal and targeted groups.