Do you have any physical, learning or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more that reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities? *
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? *
Gender reassignment: Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth? *
If no, which of the following best describes your gender identity?
Gender identity not listed, please describe:
What is your religion? *
Any other religion, please specify
Which type of school did you attend for the most time between the ages of 11 and 16? *
If you finished school after 1980, were you eligible for free school meals at any point during your school years? *
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Job Title *
Location *
Where did you hear about us? *
Job Categories (select up to 5-10) based on your experience or what you aspire to become *
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* Black, Black British, Caribbean, or African
* Other Ethnic Group
* Prefer not to say
* Yes
* No
* Prefer not to say
* Heterosexual/ Straight
* Gay or Lesbian
* Bisexual
* Other sexual orientation
* Prefer not to say
* Yes
* No
* Non-binary
* I prefer not to say
* Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations)
* Buddhist
* Jewish
* Hindu
* Muslim
* Sikh
* Prefer not to say
* Other
* Fee-paying school
* Attended school outside the UK
* I don’t know
* Prefer not to say
* Yes
* No
* Not Applicable (finished school before 1980 or went to school overseas)
* I don't know
* Accommodation Manager
* Account Director
* Account Executive
* Account Manager
* Accountancy
* Accounts Admin/Assistant
* Administration/Secretarial
* Administrator
* Advertising/Sponsorship
* Advice & Counselling
* Advice Worker
* Advocacy
* Aeronautical / Aerospace
* Agribusiness
* Agriculture
* Airline
* Analyst
* Analyst Prog/Dev
* Animal Care
* Animals, land and environment
* Animation
* Archaeology
* Archivist/Curator
* Area Manager
* Arts & Media
* Artworker
* Assessor/Verifier
* Asset Finance Sales
* Associate
* Audiology
* Auditor
* Automation
* Automotive
* Aviation
* Back Office
* Banking Accounting
* Bar Management
* Barista
* Barrister
* BD Executive/Manager
* Beauty & Spa
* Benefits Assessor
* Bid Manager
* Billing Co-ordinator
* Bioanalysis
* Bioinformatics
* Biomedical Science
* Branch Manager
* Branch/Recruitment Manager
* Brand Management
* Broker
* Building Services Maintenance
* Building Surveying
* Business & Administration
* Business Advisor
* Business Analyst
* Business Development
* Business Manager
* Business Services and Facilities
* Business Travel
* Buyer
* Buying
* CAD Design
* Call Centre
* Campaign Manager
* Campaigning
* Care Assistant
* Care Manager
* Carer
* Caretaker
* Case Worker
* Cashier
* CCTV Operator
* Central Government
* CEO—Chief Executive Officer
* Change Management
* Charity
* Chartered Surveyor
* Chef Manager
* Chemical Engineering
* Chemical/Process
* Chemotherapy
* Child Care/Nanny
* Civil
* Claims
* Cleaner
* Clergy
* Client Services
* Clinical Assistant/Fellow
* Clinical Data Management
* Clinical Lead
* Clinical Psychology
* Clinical Research/Trials
* CNC Programming
* Collections
* Commercial
* Commercial LatAm
* Commercial Manager
* Commercial UK
* Commis-Chef
* Communication
* Community
* Community Practice Nurse
* Community Psychiatric Nurse
* Community Support
* Community Volunteer Jobs
* Company Secretary
* Complaints
* Compliance
* Compliance & Quality
* Compliance & Regulatory
* Composite
* Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
* Computing and ICT
* Conflicts Analyst
* Construction & Property
* Consultancy
* Consultant
* Content Strategist
* Contract Catering Management
* Contract Manager
* COO—Chief Operating Officer
* Copywriter
* Corp Actions/Divs
* Corporate Business Sales
* Corporate Finance
* Corporate Partnerships
* Cost Accounting
* Counter Terrorist Cleared
* Countryside
* Courier
* Creative Director
* Credit Controller
* Credit Risk
* Curator
* Customer Experience
* Customer Service Advisor
* Customer Service Assistant
* Customer Services Manager
* Data
* Data Entry
* Data Specialist
* Database Developer
* Demolition
* Dentistry
* Depot Manager
* Design
* Design Author
* Design, arts and crafts
* Desktop Publishing
* Desktop Support
* Development
* Development Manager
* Digital Marketing
* Direct Marketing Manager
* Director
* Director/Senior Management
* Disability Inclusion
* Diversity and Inclusion
* Divisional/Regional Manager
* Document Production
* Driver
* Driving Instructor
* DTP/Graphics
* Duty Manager
* E-learning
* Earth Science
* Ecology
* Editorial
* Education & Training
* Education Administration
* Education Senior Management
* Educational Psychology
* Elderly Care
* Electoral Services
* Electrical
* Electronic
* Electronics Development
* Emergency Relief Worker
* Employee Benefits
* Employee Relations
* Energy
* Energy Advisor
* Equity
* Event Safety Steward
* Events
* Events Assistant
* Events Design
* Events Management
* Executive Assistant
* Executive PA
* External Auditor (Non-Qual.)
* Facilities Management
* Family Support
* Fashion
* Fashion Design
* Field Sales
* Finance
* Finance & Leasing
* Finance and Corporate Support
* Finance and Process Improvement
* Finance Director
* Finance Manager
* Finance Trainer
* Fixed Income
* Fleet Operations
* Food Science
* Forecast Analyst
* Foreman
* Forensic & Fraud
* Forensic Science
* Formulation
* Freelance Trainer
* Front Office/Trading
* Functional Consultant
* Further Education
* Games
* General Legal Support
* General Management
* General Practice
* General Practice Surveying
* Geotechnical
* Global Professional Education
* Global Service and Support
* Graduate Training and Internship Schemes
* Graduate Training Schemes
* Graphic Design
* Group Accountant
* Haematology
* Hardware Engineer
* Head of HR
* Head of Procurement
* Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher
* Head/Executive Chef
* Health & Fitness
* Health & Public Services
* Health & Safety Manager/SHEQ Advisor
* Health & Safety Officer
* Health and Safety
* Health Education/Promotion
* Hedge Funds
* Helpdesk
* Heritage
* Heritage, culture and libraries
* High Net Worth
* Higher Education
* Highways & Transportation
* History
* Home Carer
* Home Working
* Homeless Shelter Worker
* Hospitality & Catering
* House Officer & Senior House Officer
* Housing
* HR Administrator
* HR Analyst
* HR Assistant
* HR Business Partner
* HR Consultant
* HR Director
* HR Manager
* HR Officer
* Human Resources
* Human Resources Director
* iGaming
* In House
* In-Store Promotions
* Information Officer
* Information Technology
* Insolvency
* Inspector
* Installation/Rollout Engineer
* Instrumentation
* Insurance
* Interim Manager
* Interior Design
* Interior Design & Space Planning
* Internal Auditor
* Internal Auditor (Non-Qual.)
* Internal Communications
* Internal Recruiter
* International Development
* Internships & Work Experience
* Investments
* Invigilator
* IT & Telecoms
* IT Support
* IT Trainer
* IT/Systems Manager
* Journalism
* Junior Legal PA
* Laboratory Technician
* Land Management/Acquisition
* Landscape Architect
* Law Enforcement
* Learning & Development
* Learning Support Assistant
* Legal
* Legal and Court Services
* Legal Cashier
* Legal Executive
* Legal PA
* Legal Receptionist
* Legal Secretary
* Lettings Negotiator
* Libraries
* Life Science
* Lift/Escalator Engineer
* Loader/Shifter
* Loans
* Loans Administration
* Loans Advisor
* Loans Underwriter
* Local Government
* Logistics
* Maintenance
* Management
* Management / Operations
* Management Accountant
* Management Consultancy
* Management Consultant
* Manufacturing
* Manufacturing and Production
* Manufacturing Engineering
* Marine
* Market Research - Analyst
* Market Research - Executive
* Market Research - Manager
* Marketing
* Marketing & PR
* Marketing Analytics
* Marketing Assistant
* Marketing Director
* Marketing Executive
* Marketing Manager
* Materials
* Mechanical
* Mechanical Development
* Media, Digital & Creative
* Medical Information/Writing
* Medical Sales
* Medical Secretary
* Mergers & Acquisitions
* Metallurgy
* Microbiology
* Middleware & EAI
* Midwifery
* Military/Defence
* Mining & Resources
* Mobile Engineer
* Molecular Biology
* Mortgage Administrator
* Mortuary Technician
* Motoring & Automotive
* Motorsport
* Museums & Galleries
* Music Industry
* Nanotechnology
* Narrator
* National Accounts
* Network Administration
* Network Analyst
* Network Manager
* Network Security
* New Media
* NGO and charity work
* Night Management
* Nuclear
* Nurse
* Nursery
* Occupational Therapy
* ODAs/ODPs/Theatre Nurses
* Office Assistant
* Office Management
* Office Manager
* Offshore Banking
* Online Marketing Manager
* Operations
* Operations Analyst
* Operations Logistics
* Operations Management
* Operations Manager
* Operations Quality
* Optometry
* Organisational Development
* Outsourcing/Offshoring
* PA
* Paediatric Nurse
* Paralegal
* Paraplanning
* Park Management
* Part-Qualified Acc.
* Partner
* Partnership Secretary
* Parts Advisor
* Pastry Chef
* Payroll
* Pensions
* Performing arts and media
* Personal Assistant/Personal Aid
* Personal Training
* Pest Control
* Pharmaceutical
* Pharmacology
* Photography
* Physics
* Physiotherapy
* Picker/Packer
* Planner
* Planner/Buyer
* Planning Manager
* Policy
* Policy & Research
* Polymer Chemistry
* Post Room Operative
* Postal Worker
* Power Generation
* PR Executive
* PR Manager
* Practice (Non-Qual.)
* Practice Assistant
* Practice Manager
* Practice Nurse
* Preparatory Education
* Primary School
* Print and publishing
* Print Room
* Private Practice
* Procurement
* Procurement Manager
* Product Design
* Product Development
* Product Management
* Product Support
* Product Trainer
* Production
* Production Manager
* Production Planning Manager
* Production Software
* Professional Services
* Project Accountant
* Project Management
* Project Manager
* Project Office Support
* Project Support
* Project Worker
* Proofreader
* Property
* Property Manager
* Property Sales
* Public Health
* Public Sector
* Public Sector Finance
* Publishing
* Purchasing
* Purchasing Manager
* Purchasing Support
* Qualified by Experience
* Qualified Social Worker
* Quality & Testing
* Quality Assurance
* Quality Control
* Quantity Surveyor/PQS
* Radio
* Radiography & Sonography
* Reconciliations
* Recruitment & Resourcing
* Recruitment Consultant
* Registered Manager
* Registered Mental Health Nurse
* Regulatory Affairs
* Renewable Energy
* Reprocessing and Biocompatibility
* Research
* Research and Strategy
* Research, Design & Development
* Researcher/Resourcer
* Reservations
* Resident Medical Officer
* Residential Child Care
* Residential Support
* Resource Trading
* Resourcing Partner
* Restaurant Deputy Manager
* Retail
* Retail Banking
* Sales & Business Development
* SAS Programming
* School Nurse
* Science, mathematics and statistics
* Scientific
* Search - SEO & PPC
* Search & Selection Consultant
* Secondary School
* Secretarial Services Manager
* Secretary
* Security & Safety
* Security Consultant
* Security Contracts Manager
* Security Guard
* Security, uniformed and protective services
We are parents to our 21 year old son with Down Syndrome, who lives at home with us in central brighton. We are looking recruit a support manager on a full time basis, with hours across a 7 day week. Our son currently attends college Monday to Friday, and needs support mornings, evenings, weekends and holidays. He will likely start the transition to live independently away from home in the next year... More Info Info