CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: Social Worker Position Number: JE Code: HAYCSS034 Directorate: Children and Adults Division/Section: Children’s Services Location/ Work Base: Grade: 11 Accountable to: Team Manager Accountable for: None Main Purpose of Post: Social Workers are one group of staff within the social care sector. It is principally through Social Workers that Local Authorities meet their statutory obligations under Child and Family Legislation, Mental Health Law and the NHS and Community Care Act and others. The overall purpose of the Social Work role within Children’s Services is to assess, risk assess and provide a service to children and their families, where possible maintaining children in their families. In situations where risk cannot be managed, to develop plans which keep children safe and able to achieve their full potential. In doing this, the Social Worker must adhere to the relevant legislation and regulation, as well as Powys County Council Policies and Procedures. Principal Responsibilities: To provide a social work service to individual children and young people with a view to keeping them safe and enabling them to achieve to their fullest potential within a setting that provides legal permanence. To work as part of a team, undertaking tasks on a duty rotational basis, and providing cover for absent colleagues. To foster and maintain good working relationships with colleagues and partners that enable the team to work effectively. To identify risk issues in relation to the circumstances of individual children, and to ensure that there is safeguarding in place in order to minimise risk. · Ensure that the needs of individuals and their carers are assessed holistically, packages of care negotiated, monitored and reviewed. · Risks to individuals and others are assessed and balanced in a way that promotes independence of service users and their carers. - Decisions about allocating scarce resources are made. - Equal opportunity and respect for diversity and difference is promoted. - Social inclusion of isolated and vulnerable people is promoted. - Abuse of vulnerable adults and children is investigated. - Collaboration and multi-disciplinary working with other agencies is strengthened. - Accountability for their actions through effective, accurate recording of decisions. TASKS, FUNCTIONS AND ACTIVITIES · Enabling access to Social Services - Engaging in a structured discussion with those making initial enquiry of the service and evaluating any information given. - Giving information, advice and/ or signposting to other services. - Applying service threshold criteria to make a judgement on whether a referral is appropriate. - Evaluating urgency of response required to a referral and ensure that issues that may constitute significant risk of harm are immediately escalated to the Team Manager. - Prioritising referrals. - Making initial enquiries e.g. other agencies, contacts. - Accurately and fully recording referral information in accordance with departmental procedures. - Ensuring the timely transfer of referral information in accordance with departmental procedures and time scales. - Safeguarding the welfare of a vulnerable person at immediate risk of harm. · Assessment of need - Evaluating the nature of possible needs based on referral information and previous records. - Making enquiries e.g. interagency contact. - Safeguarding the welfare of a vulnerable person at risk of harm. - Making arrangements for an appointment and/ or visit for assessment in a timely way - Engaging in direct work with service user and carer/s to carry out an assessment. - Develop sound relationships with service users that enables the understanding of their views and their full involvement in the development of plans. - Ensure that significant risk issues that cannot immediately be managed by the implementation of a plan are escalated to the Team Manager for further consideration. - Undertake investigations under s47 of Children Act 1989 (Wales) and to put in place plans in order to manage the outcome of those investigations - In working with service users and carers, Social Workers seek to enhance their problem solving capacities in a way that support maximum independence and choice. - Agreeing the range of needs with service users and carer/s. - Considering with service users and carers options to best meet agreed needs and assist in making informed decisions. - Adopting a creative and holistic approach whilst exploring options. - Seeking to maximise the financial and material resources available to service users from all possible sources. - Recording unmet need. - Collating the findings of the assessment and completing assessment documentation in accordance with statutory guidance, legislation and departmental procedures and timescales. - Preparing court and other specialist reports in the required format. - Ensuring the case file recording is completed in accordance with departmental policy and procedures. - Convening and/or attending interagency meetings/ liaison e,g, case conferences. · Planning and managing care - Agreeing desired outcomes with the service user and carer/s. - Agreeing range of services to meet needs with service user and carer/s. - Obtaining managerial agreement to plan, and recording this on WCCIS. - Agreeing resources with service providers to meet needs. - Recording and disseminating the Care and Support plan or Pathway Plan in accordance with statutory requirements, legislation and departmental procedures. - Completing commissioning/ contracting documentation in accordance with departmental policy and timescales. - Ensuring that electronically held records are completed and/ or updated in a timely way and in accordance with departmental policy and procedures. - Convening and/ or attending interagency meetings/ liaison e.g. case conferences, planning meetings, Legal Planning Meetings, Looked After Child reviews. - Participating in statutory processes and visits to promote and protect the well being of vulnerable children and/ or adults, and doing this within the required timescales. - As well as managing care on an individual casework basis, having an important role to play both directly and indirectly in shaping services. - Ensure that a permanence plan is actively considered at an early stage and continually until a clear permanence plan is arrived at and agreed. - To ensure that issues such as Child Sexual Exploitation, Modern Day Slavery and any other relevant issues are kept under constant review in relation to individual children to ensure that plans can be put in place to manage any arising issues. - To convene and chair regular multi-agency meetings to review plans for children and ensure that they are effective in reducing risk and improving the child’s circumstances. - To take part in an effective transfer process to include a verbal discussion, to move case responsibility to another team. - Undertake assessments of Connected Persons in respect of Regulation 26 or a possible Special Guardianship Order application. · Monitoring and reviewing provision - Liaising with other professionals and contacts to ensure continuing appropriateness of the care plan. - In the event that the plan is not making a difference, to actively consider further steps in order to ensure that there is no drift and delay for the child - Engaging directly with service user and carer/s to update assessment of need. - Ensuring that case file recording is completed in accordance with departmental policy and procedures. - Arranging and co – ordinating review of the Care and Support Plan or Pathway Plan. - Engaging directly with service user/ families/ carers/ in the review of the Care and Support or Pathway Plan and agreeing changes where necessary. - Negotiating and agreeing changes to the plan with providers and other agencies involved. - Completing review documentation in accordance with departmental policy and time scales. - Ensuring that case file recording is completed in accordance with departmental policy and procedures. - Ensuring that service users are aware of complaints procedures and the Active Advocacy Offer. - To encourage the active participation of children and young people in their statutory Looked After review, or in Core Groups. - Ensure that all plans and case recordings are reflective of the views and feelings of this child or young person. - Contribute to the professional development of others by acting as an on site supervisor or assessor for students undertaking professional training. · Managing workload - Timely administration of all aspects of caseload to ensure that the recorded caseload fairly reflects work done. - Preparing for and engaging in professional supervision with Line Manager. - Establishing and maintaining good working relationships with colleagues. - Identifying and addressing areas for professional development and training. - To work flexible hours, within reason, and according to the needs of the service. - To comply with the appropriate health and safety policies, promote safe practice and manage risk at work. · Maintaining professional development - Demonstration of Continual Professional Development including meeting the requirements of the Care Council for Wales for continued registration as a Social Worker. - To ensure that registration as a Social Worker under Social Care Wales remains current and up to date - Share skills and knowledge with colleagues in other specialisms. - To have the ability or be prepared to learn within a reasonable time period, how to pronounce Welsh personal and place-names correctly, and give and respond to basic greetings on the telephone or in person. · Safeguarding Because of the nature of the work involved, the post you are applying for is covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013) This position has a requirement for an Enhanced DBS Check, this position is classed as regulated activity under the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and will be subject to a check to the list of those people barred from working with children. Date Reviewed: November 2018 Reviewed by: Cath Hogan CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL PERSON SPECIFICATION Position Title: Social Worker Position Number: Directorate: Children and Adults Division/Section: Children’s Services Attribute Essential Desirable Identified (tick as appropriate) App Form Interview Test Exercise Experience · Post qualifying experience. · Experience of undertaking assessments of needs and identifying risks. E E X X X X Knowledge · Understanding of the needs of service users. · Knowledge of current legislation, national guidance and best practice relevant to the post. · Knowledge of social care needs of children and families. E E E X X X X X X Registrations, Qualifications &Training · Appropriate social work qualification (i.e. Degree in Social Work, DipSW or equivalent). · Registration as Social Worker with CCW/HCPC. E E X X X X Safeguarding Requirements · This position has a requirement for an Enhanced DBS Check E Skills · Good communication skills, written and verbal. · Good IT skills. · Ability to organise, prioritise and manage a caseload. · Ability to demonstrate a commitment to equal opportunities and no-discriminatory practice. · Commitment to the principle of confidentiality. · Must have knowledge and commitment to the principles of social care as embodied in relevant legislation. E E E E E E X X X X X X X X X X X X Other requirements · Current driving licence and ability to travel extensively around the county. E X X Applicants should be able to pronounce Welsh personal and place-names correctly, and can give/ respond to basic greetings on the telephone or in person, or to be prepared to learn within a reasonable period. Date Reviewed: November 2018 Reviewed by: Cath Hogan CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL DISGRIFIAD SWYDD Teitl y Swydd: Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Rhif y Swydd: Cod GS: HAYCSS034 Cyfarwyddiaeth: Plant ac Oedolion Is-adran/Uned: Gwasanaethau Plant Lleoliad/Canolfan Waith: Graddfa: 11 Yn atebol i’r: Rheolwr Tîm Yn gyfrifol am: Neb Prif Ddiben y Swydd: Un grwp o staff o fewn y sector gofal cymdeithasol yw Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol. Yn bennaf trwy Weithwyr Cymdeithasol y bydd Awdurdodau Lleol yn cyflawni eu goblygiadau statudol o dan Ddeddfwriaeth Plant a Theuluoedd, Cyfraith Iechyd Meddwl a Deddf GIG a Gofal Cymunedol ac eraill. Diben cyffredinol y swydd Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol o fewn Gwasanaethau Plant yw asesu, asesu risg a chyflwyno gwasanaeth i blant a’u teuluoedd, gan gadw plant o fewn eu teuluoedd, lle bo hynny’n bosibl. Mewn sefyllfaoedd lle na ellir rheoli’r risg, bydd angen datblygu cynlluniau i gadw plant yn ddiogel ac i allu cyflawni eu potensial llawn. Wrth wneud hyn, rhaid i’r Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol gydymffurfio â’r ddeddfwriaeth a rheoliadau perthnasol, ynghyd â Pholisïau a Gweithdrefnau Cyngor Sir Powys. Prif Gyfrifoldebau Cyflwyno gwasanaeth gwaith cymdeithasol i blant a phobl ifanc unigol gyda’r bwriad o’u cadw’n ddiogel a’u galluogi i gyflawni eu potensial llawn o fewn lleoliad sy’n cynnig parhauster cyfreithiol. Gweithio fel rhan o dîm, gan gyflawni tasgau ar sail dyletswydd gyda rota, a chynnig gwaith llanw ar gyfer cydweithwyr sy’n absennol. Meithrin a chynnal perthnasoedd gwaith da gyda chydweithwyr a phartneriaid sy’n galluogi’r tîm i weithio’n effeithiol. Dynodi ffactorau risg o ran amgylchiadau plant unigol, a sicrhau fod diogelu ar waith er mwyn lleihau’r risg. · Caiff anghenion unigolion a’u gofalwyr eu hasesu’n holistaidd, gan drafod, monitro ac adolygu pecynnau gofal. · Caiff peryglon i unigolion ac eraill eu hasesu a’u cydbwyso mewn modd sy’n hybu annibyniaeth y rhai sy’n defnyddio’r gwasanaeth, a’u gofalwyr. - Gwneir penderfyniadau ar sut i ddyrannu adnoddau prin. - Bydd cyfle cyfartal a pharch i amrywiaeth a gwahaniaeth yn cael ei hybu. - Bydd cynnwys pobl ynysig a diamddiffyn yn gymdeithasol yn cael ei hybu. - Bydd cam-drin oedolion a phlant diamddiffyn yn cael ei ymchwilio. - Bydd cydweithio a gwaith amlddisgyblaethol ag asiantaethau eraill yn cael ei atgyfnerthu. - Atebolrwydd dros yr hyn a wnânt trwy gofnodi penderfyniadau yn effeithiol ac yn fanwl-gywir. TASGAU, SWYDDOGAETHAU A GWEITHGAREDDAU · Galluogi mynediad at Wasanaethau Cymdeithasol - Bod yn rhan o drafodaeth strwythuredig â’r rheiny sy’n gwneud ymholiadau cychwynnol i’r gwasanaeth, a gwerthuso unrhyw wybodaeth a roddir. - Rhoi gwybodaeth, cyngor a/neu atgyfeirio i wasanaethau eraill. - Cymhwyso meini prawf trothwy'r gwasanaeth i wneud arfarniadau o ran a yw atgyfeiriad yn briodol ai peidio. - Gwerthuso pa mor frys yw’r ymateb sy’n ofynnol i’r atgyfeiriad sicrhau bod materion a all olygu risg sylweddol o niwed yn cael eu cynyddu’n gyflym at lefel y Rheolwr Tîm. - Blaenoriaethu atgyfeiriadau. - Gwneud ymholiadau cychwynnol e.e. asiantaethau eraill, cysylltiadau. - Cofnodi gwybodaeth atgyfeirio yn fanwl-gywir ac yn llawn, yn unol â gweithdrefnau’r adran. - Sicrhau bod gwybodaeth atgyfeirio yn cael ei drosglwyddo’n brydlon, yn unol â gweithdrefnau ac amserlen yr adran. - Diogelu lles rhywun diamddiffyn sydd â risg uniongyrchol o ddioddef niwed. · Asesu’r angen - Gwerthuso natur anghenion posibl ar sail gwybodaeth yn deillio o’r atgyfeiriad a chofnodion blaenorol. - Gwneud ymholiadau e.e. cysylltiad rhyngasiantaethol. - Diogelu lles unigolyn diamddiffyn sydd â risg o ddioddef niwed. - Trefnu apwyntiadau a/neu ymweliadau asesu mewn ffordd amserol. - Bod yn rhan o waith uniongyrchol gyda defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth a’r gofalwr/gofalwyr i gynnal asesiad. - Datblygu perthnasoedd cadarn gyda defnyddwyr gwasanaeth sy’n galluogi deall eu safbwyntiau a’u cynnwys yn llwyr wrth ddatblygu cynlluniau. - Sicrhau fod materion risg sylweddol na ellir eu rheoli ar unwaith trwy weithredu cynllun yn cael eu cynyddu at lefel y Rheolwr Tîm i’w hystyried ymhellach. - Cynnal archwiliadau dan adran 47 Deddf Plant 1989 (Cymru) a rhoi cynlluniau ar waith er mwyn rheoli canlyniad yr archwiliadau hynny - Trwy weithio gyda defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a gofalwyr, bydd Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol yn ceisio gwella’u gallu i ddatrys problemau mewn dull sy’n cefnogi annibyniaeth a dewis cymaint â phosibl. - Cytuno ar amrediad yr anghenion gyda defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth a’r gofalwr/gofalwyr. - Ar y cyd â defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth a gofalwyr, ystyried y dewisiadau gorau i gyflawni’r anghenion y cytunwyd arnynt a’u cynorthwyo i wneud penderfyniadau ar sail gwybodaeth. - Mabwysiadu dull creadigol a holistig ac edrych yn fanwl ar y dewisiadau ar yr un pryd. - Ceisio sicrhau bod cymaint o adnoddau ariannol ac ymarferol â phosibl ar gael i ddefnyddwyr y gwasanaeth o bob ffynhonnell bosibl. - Cofnodi anghenion nad ydynt yn cael eu diwallu. - Casglu darganfyddiadau’r asesu at ei gilydd a chwblhau’r ddogfennaeth asesu yn unol â chanllawiau statudol, deddfwriaeth a gweithdrefnau ac amserlen yr adran. - Paratoi adroddiadau i’r llys ac adroddiadau eraill yn y diwyg gofynnol. - Sicrhau bod y dasg o gofnodi’r ffeil wedi’i gwblhau yn ôl polisïau a gweithdrefnau’r adran. - Cynnull a/neu fynychu cyfarfodydd / cysylltiadau rhyngasiantaethol, e.e. cynadleddau achos. · Cynllunio a rheoli gofal - Cytuno â’r defnyddiwr gwasanaeth a’r gofalwr/gofalwyr ynghylch y canlyniadau dymunol. - Cytuno â’r defnyddiwr gwasanaeth a’r gofalwr/gofalwyr ar amrediad o wasanaethau i ddiwallu anghenion. - Sicrhau bod y rheolwyr yn cytuno â’r cynllun, a chofnodi hyn ar WCCIS. - Cytuno ar adnoddau gyda darparwyr gwasanaeth i ddiwallu anghenion. - Cofnodi a chylchredu’r cynllun Gofal a Chefnogaeth neu Gynllun Llwybr yn unol â gofynion statudol, deddfwriaeth a gweithdrefnau’r adran. - Cwblhau dogfennau comisiynu/ contractio yn unol â pholisi ac amserlenni’r adran. - Sicrhau bod cofnodion sy’n cael eu cadw ar ffurf electronig yn cael eu cwblhau a’u/neu’u diweddaru yn unol â pholisïau a gweithdrefnau’r adran. - Cynnull a/neu fynychu cyfarfodydd / cysylltiadau rhyngasiantaethol e.e. cynadleddau achos, cyfarfodydd cynllunio, Cyfarfodydd Cynllunio Cyfreithiol, arolygon Plant mewn Gofal. - Bod yn rhan o’r prosesau ac ymweliadau statudol i hybu a diogelu lles plant a / neu oedolion diamddiffyn, a gwneud hyn o fewn yr amserlenni sy’n ofynnol. - Yn ogystal â rheoli gofal ar sail gwaith achos unigol, chwarae rhan bwysig yn uniongyrchol ac yn anuniongyrchol yn y dasg o lunio gwasanaethau. - Sicrhau fod cynllun sefydlogrwydd yn cael ei ystyried yn weithgar ar gam cynnar yn y broses ac yn barhaus tan y gellir dod i gytundeb ar gynllun sefydlogrwydd clir. - Sicrhau fod materion megis Camfanteisio Rhywiol ar Blant, Caethwasiaeth Fodern ac unrhyw faterion perthnasol eraill yn cael eu hadolygu’n gyson o ran plant unigol i sicrhau fod cynlluniau yn gallu cael eu rhoi ar waith i reoli unrhyw faterion sy’n codi. - Cynnull a chadeirio cyfarfodydd amlasiantaethol rheolaidd i adolygu cynlluniau i blant a sicrhau eu bod yn effeithiol wrth ostwng risg a gwella amgylchiadau’r plentyn. - Cymryd rhan mewn proses drosglwyddo effeithiol i gynnwys trafodaeth ar lafar, i symud cyfrifoldeb am achos i dîm arall. - Cynnal asesiadau o Unigolion Perthynol o ran Rheoliad 26 neu gais am Orchymyn Gwarchodaeth Arbennig posibl. · Monitro ac adolygu darpariaeth - Cysylltu â gweithwyr proffesiynol a chysylltiadau eraill i sicrhau bod y cynllun gofal yn parhau i fod yn briodol. - Mewn achos lle nad yw’r cynllun yn gwneud gwahaniaeth, mynd ati’n weithgar i ystyried camau pellach er mwyn sicrhau nad oes unrhyw oedi a gohirio ar gyfer y plentyn. - Cysylltu yn uniongyrchol â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a gofalwr/gofalwyr i ddiweddaru’r asesiad gofal. - Sicrhau bod y gwaith o gofnodi’r ffeil achos yn cael ei gwblhau yn unol â pholisïau a gweithdrefnau’r adran. - Trefnu a chydlynu’r adolygiad o’r Cynllun Gofal a Chefnogaeth neu Gynllun Llwybr. - Cysylltu’n uniongyrchol â defnyddwyr gwasanaeth/ teuluoedd/ gofalwyr wrth adolygu’r Cynllun Gofal a Chefnogaeth neu Gynllun Llwybr a chytuno ar newidiadau lle bo angen. - Trafod â’r darparwyr a’r asiantaethau eraill perthnasol unrhyw newidiadau i’r cynllun, a chytuno arnynt. - Cwblhau dogfennaeth yr adolygiad yn unol â pholisïau ac amserlen yr adran. - Sicrhau bod y gwaith o gofnodi’r ffeil achos yn cael ei gwblhau yn unol â pholisïau a gweithdrefnau’r adran. - Sicrhau bod defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth yn ymwybodol o’r gweithdrefnau cwyno a’r Cynnig Eiriolaeth Gweithredol. - Annog cyfranogiad gweithgar gan blant a phobl ifanc yn eu harolwg statudol Plant mewn Gofal, neu mewn Grwpiau Craidd. - Sicrhau fod yr holl gynlluniau a recordiadau achos yn adlewyrchu safbwyntiau a theimladau’r plentyn neu unigolyn ifanc hwn. - Cyfrannu at ddatblygiad proffesiynol pobl eraill trwy weithredu fel goruchwyliwr ar y safle, neu aseswr i’r myfyrwyr sy’n dilyn hyfforddiant proffesiynol. · Rheoli Llwyth Gwaith - Gweinyddu pob agwedd ar y llwyth achosion yn brydlon er mwyn sicrhau bod y llwyth achosion sy’n cael ei gofnodi yn adlewyrchu’n deg y gwaith sy’n cael ei wneud. - Paratoi a chynnal goruchwyliaeth broffesiynol gyda’r Rheolwr Atebol. - Sefydlu a chynnal perthynas gweithio da â chydweithwyr. - Pennu meysydd ar gyfer datblygu proffesiynol a hyfforddi a mynd i’r afael â hwy. - Gweithio oriau hyblyg, o fewn rheswm, ac yn unol ag anghenion y gwasanaeth. - Cydymffurfio â pholisïau iechyd a diogelwch priodol, hyrwyddo arfer diogel a rheoli risg yn y gwaith. · Cynnal datblygiad proffesiynol - Dangos Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus gan gynnwys cyflawni gofynion Cyngor Gofal Cymru er mwyn sicrhau cofrestriad parhaus fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol.Sicrhau fod y Cofrestriad fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol dan Ofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn parhau yn gyfredol ac yn ddiweddar. - Rhannu sgiliau a gwybodaeth â chydweithwyr sy’n arbenigwyr mewn meysydd eraill. - Meddu ar y gallu i ynganu enwau personol ac enwau lleoedd Cymraeg yn gywir a gallu rhoi / ymateb i gyfarchion sylfaenol dros y ffôn neu wyneb yn wyneb, neu fod yn barod i ddysgu o fewn cyfnod rhesymol. · Diogelu Oherwydd natur y gwaith sydd ynghlwm â’r swydd, bydd y swydd rydych yn ymgeisio amdani yn dod o dan y Gorchymyn Deddf Adsefydlu Tramgwyddwyr 1974 (Eithriadau) 1975 (fel y’i diwygiwyd yn 2013). Mae gan y swydd hon ofyniad am Wiriad Manylach y DBS. Mae’r swydd hon yn cael ei chyfri’n weithgaredd rheoleiddiedig dan Ddeddf Diogelu Grwpiau Hyglwyf 2006 fel y’i diwygiwyd gan Ddeddf Diogelu Rhyddidau 2012, a bydd yn destun gwirio rhestr o’r bobl hynny sydd wedi’u gwahardd rhag gweithio gyda phlant. Dyddiad Adolygu: Tachwedd 2018 Adolygwyd gan: Cath Hogan CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL MANYLION PERSONOL Teitl y Swydd: Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Rhif y Swydd: Adran: Plant ac Oedolion Is-adran/Uned: Gwasanaethau Plant Nodweddion Hanfodol Dymunol Dynodwyd (ticiwch fel sy’n briodol) Ffurflen Gais Cyfweliad Prawf Tasg Profiad · Profiad ar ôl cymhwyso. · Profiad o gynnal asesiadau o anghenion a nodi’r risgiau. H H X X X X Gwybodaeth · Gwybodaeth am anghenion defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth. · Gwybodaeth am ddeddfwriaeth gyfredol, canllawiau cenedlaethol ac arferion gorau sy'n berthnasol i'r swydd. · Gwybodaeth am anghenion gofal cymdeithasol plant a theuluoedd. H H H X X X X X X Cofrestriadau, Cymwysterau a Hyfforddiant · Cymhwyster gwaith cymdeithasol priodol (h.y. Gradd mewn Gwaith Cymdeithasol, DipSW neu gyfwerth). · Wedi cofrestru fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol gyda CCW/HCPC. H H X X X X Gofynion Diogelu · Rhaid cael gwiriad Manylach y DBS H Sgiliau · Sgiliau cyfathrebu da yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar. · Sgiliau TG da. · Gallu i drefnu, blaenoriaethu a rheoli llwyth achosion. · Gallu dangos ymrwymiad i gyfle cyfartal ac arferion nad ydynt yn gwahaniaethu. · Ymrwymiad i'r egwyddor o gyfrinachedd. · Rhaid meddu ar wybodaeth ac ymrwymiad i egwyddorion gofal cymdeithasol fel yr ymgorfforir mewn deddfwriaeth berthnasol. H H H H H H X X X X X X X X X X X X Gofynion eraill · Trwydded yrru gyfredol neu'r gallu i deithio'n helaeth o amgylch y sir. H X X Dylai ymgeiswyr fod yn gallu ynganu enwau personol ac enwau lleoedd Cymraeg yn gywir a gallu rhoi / ymateb i gyfarchion sylfaenol dros y ffôn neu wyneb yn wyneb, neu fod yn barod i ddysgu o fewn cyfnod rhesymol. Dyddiad Llunio: Tachwedd 2018 Lluniwyd gan: Cath Hogan