A Vacancy at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
This is a whole time NHS vacancy for a Clinical Fellow whose principal duties will be from 6th August 2025 to 3rd February 2026 in the Critical Care Unit at University Hospital Aintree.
This post would suit an individual interested in gaining further experience managing a diverse range of critically ill patients with a view to pursuing a career in Critical Care, Anaesthesia, Medicine, Surgery or Emergency Medicine.
The successful applicant will work under Consultant supervision at a level best matched to their learning needs and experience. The successful applicant will become part of a dynamic team passionate about delivering the best patient care.
There are many opportunities to be involved with teaching, clinical governance, research and quality improvement to strengthen portfolios for applications for training posts.
The post is appointed initially for six months. Extension beyond 6 months is negotiable whilst in post. The successful applicant will work an EWTD compliant full shift rota. Salary will be dependent on the previous point on the salary scale and subject to additional allowances dependent on rota intensity.
Study leave will be granted by approval of the trainee-rota coordinator in accordance with Trust policy.
There is internal cover for normal leave allowances. Specialty Doctors may, in exceptional
circumstances and for short periods only, be requested to provide additional cover (for example to cover short term unexpected sickness).
Registered Practitioners have a responsibility to;
• Maintain current active professional registration
• Act always in accordance with their professional Code of Conduct and guiding documents
• Adhere to Trust Policy and Procedure.
• Maintain up to date skills and knowledge and maintain awareness of professional issues.
• Maintain a professional portfolio
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was created on 1 October 2019 following the merger of two adult acute Trusts, Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust.
The merger provides an opportunity to reconfigure services in a way that provides the best healthcare services to the city and improves the quality of care and health outcomes that patients experience.
The Trust runs Aintree University Hospital, Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool University Dental Hospital and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital.
It serves a core population of around 630,000 people across Merseyside as well as providing a range of highly specialist services to a catchment area of more than two million people in the North West region and beyond.
To hear more about our achievements click here
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The successful candidate will
• Share the responsibility for the assessment, resuscitation and treatment of all patients referred to the Critical Care Unit, working as part of a team with the on-call ICU consultant.
• Be expected to see patients in the Emergency Department, theatre recovery and the wards following referral from colleagues in other specialities.
• Work alongside our trainees on a full shift rota. This is a full shift rota and the successful candidate will be required to be resident in the hospital during the working hours allocated to them on the rota
• Be part of medical emergency team
• Take responsibility for ensuring his/her ongoing medical education as agreed at Directorate level.
• Share the responsibility for direct clinical supervision and teaching of the trainee staff, nurses and medical students.
• Assist in the provision and development of a safe, effective and efficient critical care service and support the Trust in its aim to provide the best possible care to patients.
• Carry out all duties at the highest possible standard taking responsibility for individual patients in their care.
• Comply with Trust Health and Safety policies and employ the basic principles of infection control practice to maintain a safe and healthy environment for patients, visitors and staff.
• Maintain good clinical records and effective working relationships with medical, nursing and allied healthcare professionals on the critical care team.
• Take an active role in the departmental clinical governance activity
• Give priority to the duties of the post at all times
• Be allocated an Educational Supervisor and we will enable regular appraisal and support the development of a learning plan and portfolio
• Be expected to participate in an active audit programme.
• The departments offer regular weekly educational meetings including audit meetings and M&M meetings
• Hospital and departmental libraries including information technology facilities are available
There are no formal teaching, administrative and research responsibilities with this post.
This advert closes on Friday 14 Mar 2025