The Nursing Associate will: NAs who had their training based within theatres will have practical skills and knowledge prior to gaining registration. These skills can continue to be practised following robust assessment. The Trust will provide a robust Preceptorship programme to support the newly registered NA. Department Practice Educator will provide detailed programme to support NAs development within the theatre setting whilst, offering guidance and support to ensure learning can occur. Theatre Coordinator will allocate NA to areas where they are able to work within their scope of practice. The NA is responsible for working within the agreed scope of practice at all times and being accountable for their actions as set out in the NMC Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates. The Registered nurse retains professional accountability for the appropriateness of the delegation of care when they delegate care to others including the Nurse Associate. Professional accountability is clearly outlined in the guidance from the Health Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of conduct, performance and ethics and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) The Code. Ensure excellent standards of care for the patient is always maintained. Provide compassionate, safe and effective evidence-based care and support to people in a range of care settings. Understand all elements of the nursing process and be able to assist the registered nurse in the on-going assessment, planning, management and evaluation of care. Perform and record clinical observations including blood pressure, temperature, respirations, pulse. Be prepared to undertake additional skills including but not exhaustive; cannulation, venepuncture, catheterisation, ECGs as per training and competency. Ensure the privacy, dignity and safety of individuals is maintained at all times. Escalate and share information with the registered nurses on the condition, behaviour, activity and responses of individuals. Recognise issues relating to safeguarding vulnerable children and adults and report any problems or raise concerns to the appropriate registered care professionals. Assist in the assessment of and contribute to the management and reduction of risk across several areas within the environment where care is being administered. Assist in the delivery of complex care as prescribed by the registered nurse. Assist with the implementation and monitoring of clinical standards and outcomes. Engage in reflective practice including management of self and reflection on own reactions, asking questions and reflecting on answers given. Demonstrate good understanding of principles of consent and ensure valid consent is obtained prior to undertaking nursing and care procedures. Work in an effective and organised manner demonstrating excellent time management and organisational skills to effectively deliver person-centred care for an allocated group of individuals. Deliver effective care following treatment plans determined by the Registered Nurse or registered care professional and provide feedback on progress against the plans. Administer medicines safety and in a timely manner; (NB nursing associates will only administer medicines, if suitably trained and competent, in settings where it is deemed appropriate and where this is guided by organisational medicines management policies).