If you are currently a student in education planning for work experience, an individual looking to build your confidence before re-entering the workplace, or wanting to develop your skills and experience in a new area, you are in the right place!
We'd encourage you to enquire about our work experience opportunities to see how we may be able to support you.
As a local employer, we’re always looking at the different ways we can work to provide invaluable experiences and support across our communities.
This includes working with schools and colleges to provide career and work-related opportunities.
We are proud to offer work experience in a variety of areas across the business, giving an insight into the working world, our teams, and the different careers available within the housing sector.
These include:
- Finance
- IT (Systems and Cyber Security)
- People and Culture (traditionally known as HR)
- Administration (Works Planning, Compliance, Data etc.)
- Marketing
- Customer Services
- Housing (Working with and supporting tenants, going out into the community etc.)
- Trades (Electrical, Plumbing, Gas, Carpentry)
- Grounds (Maintaining outdoor areas)
- Care and Support (working with elderly and vulnerable individuals, providing care)
Our offices are open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm each day, so we are only able to offer placements that fit within these working times.
If you are interested in work experience opportunities with Community Housing, please click 'Apply Now' to complete an application form and we will then be in touch with you.
If you would prefer to complete a paper application, please get in touch with us at .